Main Reasons Why T-shirts Are Hip Again

What started as a fashion fad soon became a standard piece of fashion garment. Everyone has one in their closet. It is the most abused piece of clothing that one uses for years until it is totally worn out. Wonder no more, it\’s t-shirts and they are making a comeback in the world of fashion.

In the 1950\’s it is quite common to see young people wearing a T-shirt printed with a James Dean or a Marlon Brando image. It is one way for teenagers then to associate themselves with their movie idols. They want to be as cool as the characters portrayed on screen by movie stars.

During the 1970\’s T-shirt became more than a fashion garment. It became a way for people to express their views. This is the birth of the statement shirts. Everyone has one, the printed message speaks of different topics from politics, religion and some even had funny messages.

When the economy is doing well, sales began to dip maybe because more people can afford expensive garments. When the economy is doing bad there is an increase in sales. But in today\’s economy you can hardly can tell what are the reasons why it is becoming fashionable again to wear a T-shirt.

It is probably the popularity of social networks. With the renewed popularity of statement shirts, anyone can become funny, serious or a spokesman for a cause. With their shirt on, people are uploading pictures of themselves on different social networks.

The message becomes viral and people become interested not only in the message but on how can they get one for themselves. Because nowadays, it pays to be hip and popular on these social networks. People will talk for days if they see something interesting, especially if one of their social friends is wearing it.

Aside from statement shirts, famous celebrities are more popular than ever, and again social networks have something to do with it. The more popular celebrities are on these networks the more their fans want to buy shirts with their images on. It is a good marketing tool for celebrities and artists too.

One important use of a t-shirt is to gain support for causes and charity events. It is the simplest and most effective way to generate interest and funds for special causes. Artists usually are willing to lend their image as a design for a T-shirt that will be sold to generate funds for charities they believe in.

While more creative people would wear something they design, most people will just be happy getting one off the rack. T-shirt can be worn in different styles. It can be worn plain and it goes very well with a good pair of jeans. It can be worn like an undershirt or with a jacket. People who wear a T-shirt do so because it is the most comfortable piece of garment one can possibly wear. The next time you are buying this piece of garment think about its history, its purpose and find something that fits your personality. Sometimes people will gauge you with the message written across the t-shirts that you wear.

Custom T-shirt printing in Vancouver available now. With free shipping in Canada, customize your own T-shirts. Your T-shirts will be printed properly, and you will receive excellent service. Order T-shirts from Vancouver today.

Design your own T-shirt today, with access to the best T-shirt printing company, you will receive excellent service and quality T-shirts.

Author Bio: Custom T-shirt printing in Vancouver available now. With free shipping in Canada, customize your own T-shirts. Your T-shirts will be printed properly, and you will receive excellent service. Order T-shirts from Vancouver today.

Category: Business
Keywords: clothing,apparel, fashion, advertising, brands, promotion, business, marketing, logos, service

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