Setting Aside Devotional Time

Making time to pray and seek the face of God is the most important part of a Believer\’s life. Brother Lawrence, a 17th century monk, suggested that \”we should establish ourselves in a sense of God’s Presence by continually conversing with Him\” (The Practice of The Presence of God). In all that we do, we are to do it prayerfully with a mind on pleasing God. This is in complete agreement with what the Apostle Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: \”Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is God\’s will for you in Christ Jesus.\” (New American Standard Bible)

There is, therefore, no rule on setting a specific devotional time.

In today\’s world, however, people can become so overly consumed with life that they forget to take time to seek The Life Giver. Even for Christians, seeking the will of God can sometimes seem like a chore that is better put off until later or at the very least something that would take so much time that they would rather skip it altogether. We go about our day to day, saving our spiritual energy for Sunday services where we expect to get our fill of singing, praying and Bible reading.

If you noticed that this has become a problem in your life, there is a way to re-establish your relationship with God. Setting aside as little as 15 minutes a day to devote to Scripture reading and prayer can make a big difference in the life of a Believer who has stopped making any time at all for devotionals.

First, it is important to decide what time of day would be best for your devotional time. Many people choose the early morning hours because it is often quiet. If you are often the first person awake in the house, this may work for you. Others choose a few minutes before bed time, while still others find a quiet hour around lunch time. No matter what time you decide on, make sure that it is a time when you will not be distracted. Consistency is important, especially when you are just starting, so make sure that you will be able to have your devotions at the same time every day.

Next, you can set up a devotional plan that includes picking a Scripture to read each day. It does not matter if it comes from the Old Testament or the New Testament, it just needs to be a verse or two for you to reflect on for that day. For some people, it helps to have a book of devotionals that has preset Scripture readings and reflections for every day. There are also devotionals available online, as well as devotional email lists that you can join to have a different reading sent to you every day.

Finally, remember to approach your devotionals in a prayerful manner. Say a prayer that God will reveal what he wants you to reflect on in your life as you read the Scripture, and say a prayer of thanks to God after your reading. Thank Him for allowing you to reach out to Him, and ask him to help you grow in your relationship with Him every day. If you are consistent and prayerful, as you grow in your relationship with God you will find yourself wanting to spend even more time with Him even outside of your set devotionals.

Mel is reading the daily devotional bible so she can learn the word of the lord. She is now writing about her experiences and sharing it with the world. Please visit Rhapsody of Realities
Daily Devotional

Mel is reading the daily devotional bible so she can learn the word of the lord. She is now writing about her experiences and sharing it with the world. Please visit Rhapsody of Realities

Author Bio: Mel is reading the daily devotional bible so she can learn the word of the lord. She is now writing about her experiences and sharing it with the world. Please visit Rhapsody of Realities
Daily Devotional

Category: Religion
Keywords: daily devotional, devotional bible

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