The Dismal Feeling One Gets When Searching in Vain For a Film Classic

Lots of people love action movies because things blow up in them or people go chasing madly after deadly storms or get sucked into alien vortexes never to return again to earth in the same form in which they left. Ah, but given the choice of the latest Hollywood action flick and settling down with one of those fine old Bogie classics on the television screen, they instantly opt for the latter.

Am I a film buff? I don\’t think I\’d go that far. The classics I\’ve seen to date have all been pretty mainstream. Casablanca. Romance on the Orient Express. The Maltese Falcon. But that doesn\’t stop me from getting excited when I stumble across them. Or when I stumble across websites taking advantage of the fine print in copyright laws to bring films out into the public domain.

What Does It All Mean?

Believe it or not, there are websites out there specializing in digging out classic films that have found their way out onto the public domain (more on that in a second) and shooting them out into the public eye so that film buffs (and semi-film buffs like me) have a place to go to find the films that we haven\’t heard about since we were listening to the radio in our grandparents\’ kitchen because they didn\’t have a TV yet.

The really cool thing about the new-found power of the public domain isn\’t just that it\’s reintroducing you to all of the films you and your parents loved when you were a kid. It\’s also giving you the opportunity to introduce your kids to something outside of the realm of “Twilight” and “The Hunger Games”.

Why Introduce Your Kids to the Classics?

You may well ask that question given that the little darlings are poring through classic literature in their high school English classes day in, day out. Now you are supposed to force classic films down their throats as well?

Alright, so if you\’re interested enough in classic films to be checking this article out you probably aren\’t asking yourself any of those questions. Why? Because you know what it is about classic films that\’s so amazingly awesome. It\’s the fact that when they were made film makers didn\’t have all of the tools at their disposal that they have now. If you\’ll remember, early movies had neither color nor sound, much less giant walking robots. As a result, script writers, directors and actors had to work three times as hard to bring their ideas to life.

What these highly skilled, imaginative and creative geniuses gave us were some of the greatest films ever made.

So What\’s the Big Deal with Public Domain?

The reason you can find classic films on the web at all is that they have at long last made their way into the public domain.

Public domain means the area where films go when they are no longer eligible for copyright protection or that protection has run its course and expired. When this occurs, restrictions on their distribution is relaxed making it much easier for classic film aficionados to snatch up the films they have been longing to see for years.

Classic film. Public domain. Check it out.

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Author Bio: In the event you found interest in the preceding post, you may go check out more similar content at Loving the Classics Reviews or this Loving the Classics Reviews Article.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: loving the classics,loving the classics reviews,classic film,film reviews,classic movies

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