The Facts About Organic Milk and What That Means For You

There\’s a lot of debate about organic milk and whether the health benefits are worth what you pay for it. Not long ago, you would have to pay more than double the price of normal milk to get organic, so that was a very valid concern indeed. So is organic milk really worth what you pay for it these days? Before you make a final decision, you should consider what the true requirements for milk to be certified as organic, and what the true benefits of it are.

USDA Requirements For Organic Milk

The U.S. Department Of Agriculture has four basic requirements for organic milk to be certified as organic: no Bovine Growth Hormone treatments, no antibiotics used on cows, mandatory time on pasture and no pesticides to be used in the feed. The quality of milk produced by cows without these treatments and requirements is significantly different from ordinary milk, so you\’re getting a very different product.

The biggest concern about ordinary milk is the Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) that is injected into cows, which leads to excess insulin growth factor or IGF being found in it. On the other hand, organic milk is milked from cows that are not treated with BGH, meaning no IGF in it. So what\’s the big deal about IGF? Certain studies have found that excessive consumption of IGF can lead to an increased risk of obesity, cancer and other serious health problem. While these studies are not definitive, would you want to take the risk of one day finding out that these hormones do indeed cause serious health issues to you and your family?

Another concern is with the antibiotic treatment, which may possibly lead to the antibiotics transferring to the milk as well. Organic milk producing cows treated with antibiotics can only be returned to the herd 12 months after they are free from antibiotics, so you can be sure that the milk will not have any antibiotics that carry through into them. The same concern exists with the pesticides in the feed, which many fear will transfer certain toxins across through the milk as well.

Problems With Organic Milk Certification

While the requirements for organic milk certification can imply that they are of a higher grade than ordinary milk, there are certain flaws with the certification requirements and process that critics say makes the organic product less of the \”premium\” product it is branded as. For example, \”organic cows\” must be pasture grazed, but it doesn\’t say how long they must be grazed for each day. For all you know, they can be grazed for 5 minutes in a day and still be passed off as organic. Also, while \”organic cows\” cannot be returned to the herd if treated with antibiotics until 12 months after they are cleared, but normal cows are also returned to the herd only after they are antibiotic free, so what\’s the big difference?

Regardless of where you stand in the organic milk debate, at the end of the day there\’s no denying that it is better for you than ordinary milk, so if you personally feel that the health benefits are worth paying the premium price for, then by all means go for it.

Find out what the best organic milk for you and your family is with my comprehensive reviews of all the top organic milk brands out there!

Find out what the best organic milk for you and your family is with my comprehensive reviews of all the top organic milk brands out there! Visit us at:

Author Bio: Find out what the best organic milk for you and your family is with my comprehensive reviews of all the top organic milk brands out there!

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: organic milk, organic milk review,organic milk brands,best organic milk,organic, milk

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