The Meaning Of Different Rabbit Noises

Hearing different rabbit noises can worry pet owners especially during the first few days of adoption. If you are new to caring for rabbits, then it is most likely that you are clueless about various noises that they can make. You should not worry though, because this article will explain to you the meanings behind these noises of your pet.

You hear bunnies talk in cartoons and animated films but believe it or not, they do really have a way of communicating with their fellow bunnies as well as to you – their owners. Here are some of the most common sounds and behavior that they create and the meaning behind these:

1. Tooth Chattering – This is a rapid, soft chattering sound they create from their teeth or also known as \”purring\”. You will usually observe this behavior when you are patting or cuddling them. They are as if telling you that they are content and happy with the way you care for them. Tooth chattering is also their way to tell you that they trust you.

2. Tooth Grinding – This is slower and louder than \”purring\” and often accompanied by other signs of discomfort like eye bulging. They make this sound when they are in fear, discomfort or stress. It is best to observe them carefully when you start hearing grinding sounds because this might indicate problems with your bunnies.

3. Oinks/Honks – These sounds have various meanings. The soft oinking sound made by a doe can be associated to mating ritual. This is like them saying, \”not tonight honey\” or this can also be come-hither.

4. Chinning – This is a sound they create to mark their territory. This is a strong sign of affection or ownership.

5. Nips – Its meaning varies from \”don\’t do that\”, \”hey, pat me\”, \”ouch\”, \”I am sick, please help me\”. It is necessary to watch out for other body language to determine the exact meaning of this sound.

6. Nose Bumping/Rubbing – These animals can be very affectionate too and when they start rubbing noses with each other (or even with you); they want to show their love, trust and care.

7. Ears Straight Up – This is a sound made out of excitement. It is as if they are saying, \”hey look at that\” or \”do you hear that\”.

8. Ears flat – This can be a sign that they just want to rest or could be sign that they are angry. To know the distinction, you need to see other actions from their end too – if they are lying with eyes closed or if they are growling or pawing at you.

9. Lunging at fellow rabbit or person – This is another sign of fear and telling you or other fellows to \”back off\”.

Your pet rabbits may be making the above common sounds. It is best to observe their behaviors and sounds to make sure that you attend to their needs carefully. It may be confusing at first to distinguish the various movements they make in their ears or the sounds they create, but as time passes, you will become an expert too. You will be able to understand every little move they make as if you are able to communicate with them.

David Neil Warren enjoys writing for The Rabbit Hutch Shop which sells rabbit hutch and rabbit hutches as well as a host of additional products.

David Neil Warren enjoys writing for The Rabbit Hutch Shop which sells rabbit hutch and rabbit hutches as well as a host of additional products.

Author Bio: David Neil Warren enjoys writing for The Rabbit Hutch Shop which sells rabbit hutch and rabbit hutches as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Pets
Keywords: rabbit noises,different rabbit noises,rabbits,rabbit behavior

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