Types of Work Performed by Pipeline Contractors

Pipeline contractors are an essential factor in the installation and maintenance of subsurface pipe networks that stretch across the country. The types of work performed range from residential jobs, such as septic tank conversion and installation of new systems, to municipal projects that involve laying miles of water, sewer, or utility pipes.

Pipeline contractors can make use of multiple techniques when installing or repairing underground pipes. The size and composition of pipes varies according to the type of usage. For instance, pipes used to transport petroleum-based products are different than those used for sewer lines and storm water drainage systems; however, the installation process can be nearly identical.

Pipeline construction contractors oversee the installation process from start to finish. Once design engineers provide a set of blueprints, contractors use subsurface utility engineering SUE to locate the depth and position of existing utility and pipe systems.

Locating existing pipes is vital to ensure that construction workers do not damage pipes during the installation process. The precise data provided by SUE helps contractors to minimize risks of workplace accidents and prevent the costly expense of having to relocate existing pipes or alter installation plans.

Once the position of previously installed pipes is determined, contractors begin preparing the worksite by removing trees, rocks, or debris that interferes with the construction process. The cleared land is then graded to provide trenching crews with a visual map. After trenches are dug, workers place pipe sections next to the trench where they are welded together.

A special epoxy coating is applied to welded joints to prevent leakage. Next, pipes are strategically placed into trenches where they undergo extensive testing to ensure structural integrity. Upon completion of testing, contractors backfill trenches and restore the jobsite to its original condition.

There are five classifications of pipelines including: industrial, commercial, institutional, municipal, and residential. Each involves hiring pipeline contractors to fabricate pipes and install pipeline networks. It is vital to work with contractors that possess experience in the type of application process required.

Most pipeline contractors specialize in one or two classifications, such as industrial and commercial, but some are skilled in every classification. These classifications are further divided into categories of either dry utility or wet utility pipeline construction.

Dry utility encompasses jobs related to natural gas, electrical utilities, and communications systems. Technically speaking, electrical utilities and communications systems aren\’t actually pipelines. However, fiber optics and electrical conduit needs to be protected in either aboveground or underground utility systems. Protecting utilities is imperative to ensure public safety and prevent widespread interruption of services.

Wet utility encompasses jobs pertaining to the conveyance of liquid materials including petroleum-based products, storm drainage systems, sewer and water pipes, and fireline.

Pipeline construction plays a vital role in the lifestyle of Americans. These extensive networks are the driving force behind transporting products that improve our lives and let us function more efficiently.

Petroleum pipelines transport products needed to provide fuel for automobiles, aircraft, trains, buses, semi trucks, and farming equipment. Water pipelines transport drinking water into residential neighborhoods, schools, healthcare facilities, and business offices.

Sewer pipelines remove sewage from our homes, while storm drainage systems aid in the prevention of flooding within housing additions, residential streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and highways.

It is extremely important to work with pipeline contractors that are respected within the industry to ensure work is completed in a safe and efficient manner. Contractors are required to abide by state and federal regulations and hold required permits, licenses, and insurance coverage.

Founded in 1982 by Daniel Locke, Kana Pipeline has become one of the most respected pipeline contractors in southern California. Kana excels at performing work on time and within budget while providing a safe worksite. Learn more about available pipeline services we perform at www.KanaPipeline.com.

Founded in 1982 by Daniel Locke, Kana Pipeline has become one of the most respected pipeline contractors in southern California. Kana excels at performing work on time and within budget while providing a safe worksite. Learn more about available pipeline services we perform at http://www.KanaPipeline.com.

Author Bio: Founded in 1982 by Daniel Locke, Kana Pipeline has become one of the most respected pipeline contractors in southern California. Kana excels at performing work on time and within budget while providing a safe worksite. Learn more about available pipeline services we perform at www.KanaPipeline.com.

Category: Business
Keywords: pipeline contractors,pipeline construction contractors,pipeline construction,storm drainage systems

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