Ways For Making Your Business Eco Friendly

Developing a successful business is a difficult road to travel. Many decisions must be made along the way that will guide you toward success or failure and sometimes it is very difficult to determine which decision will be the best for your business. There was once a time when profit ruled over any decision but there has recently been a shift in consumer motivation and public opinion is factoring in to business decisions more and more. The “green” movement in the United States consumer market is growing at a rapid pace.

Many businesses are racing to be the cleanest most environmentally friendly brand in town. Some business owners, especially small businesses are strapped for cash and are not able to make huge technology changes. These limitations do not mean they can not institute policies that help foster a more eco friendly mind set across their company. Manufacturing changes can be costly but simply altering the way the administrative part of your business is run can greatly decrease your company’s negative environmental impact. Here are a few ideas to help make your companies administrative offices a little more “green”.

Invest in eco friendly products. The next time your order paper or toner for your office, ask your supplier about their eco friendly products. Paper made from recycled materials will decrease the number of trees that must be cut down for you to run your business. Many new products have been developed in the printing world including non toxic ink for printers and cartridges made from recyclable or sustainable products. Speaking of recycling, encourage all employees to reduce their use of materials like paper and disposable cups. What can not be eliminated should be recycled. If you have a break area in your office you probably have a coffee machine. Instead of providing paper cups encourage your employees to bring a cheerful mug from home to cut down on the amount of landfill waste your company is producing, better yet have a mug made for each of your employees as a gift to roll out your new green project. Another way to help reduce the waste produced by your employees is to invest in a water filtration system for the faucet in the break room. This will eliminate the need for plastic water bottles. Many companies are replacing old light bulbs with newer more energy efficient bulbs.

Changing company policy to make your office more eco friendly can be a cost free way to make a difference. Institute a digital only memo system. With email networks that can link all your employees and manage calendars there is really no need for printed memos around the office. Make request that all computers and other technologies be powered down when your employees leave for lunch and at the end of the day. These easy changes will save paper and electricity. Not only are they policies that do not cost you money they actually will save your business money by reducing the number of supplies needed and reducing you offices monthly electric bill.

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Author Bio: www.B-H-A.com is the leading national provider of professional E&O exposures for contractors.

Category: Business Management
Keywords: Environment, Business, Industry, Insurance, Green

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