Are You Turning Women Off?

Many men are turning women off without even realizing it. Are you one of them? Oh, you don\’t know? Then read this article and you will know because if you want to be attractive to women, then you must know the male characteristics that turn them off.

Besides the obvious unattractive male traits that turn women off such as having bad breath, disgusting bad habits, stinking body odor, being unkempt and what nots, there are also many not so obvious turn offs which most men are unaware of. So what these turn offs which you should avoid?

Well, the first thing that turns women off is the lack of self confidence in a man. Most women find confident guys who are sure of themselves very attractively irresistible.

This instinctive attraction to confident men are deeply imbedded in women’s subconscious mind as they are unconsciously seeking out capable men who can get things done and who can support and protect the family. The girls are so strong in this department that they can detect this in a man fairly quickly.

Having a weak character is also very unappealing to women. This is because when you are confident about yourself you will come across as a man who is strong in character and thus if you have a weak character you will be perceived as being unable to look after her and her children well.

For this reason, you should inculcate manly masculine traits into your character. Some of those traits are the ability to be decisive in making decisions, having good leadership quality, integrity, courage, conviction, being trustworthy and are honorable in doing things. Do you have these attractive masculine traits? If not, then develop them until they are your second nature.

Do note that you are supposed to be the head of the household and are expected to take leadership. So it is therefore not surprising that most women adore decisive men who can take the lead and show leadership quality. That is why don’t ask her where she wants to go for a date, just make the decision and then take her to the venue that you have decided on.

Everyone wants to have fun and enjoy life and so if you are a boring person, don\’t expect women to be attracted to you. So smile and joke more freely and become a more spontaneous person. If you are fun to be with, she will want to be with you.

Are you the type who likes to complaint? I am sure that you have come across people whose conversations are centered on complaining. They will moan about how life is unfair, why the government is not doing its job and see the negative side of everything.

So watch what you talk about carefully and see if your words are peppered with negativity. Most complainers don\’t even know that they are so negative and are scaring their friends away and that is why those people are such turn offs.

You want to turn on women and not to turn them off, so quit complaining and get your act together in order to be attractive to women.

The author of this article, Chris Chew suggest that you read Good and bad pick up lines and How to be more handsome and start to turn women on.

Chris Chew is a relationship and fitness consultant based in Singapore. Read his free articles at and

Author Bio: The author of this article, Chris Chew suggest that you read Good and bad pick up lines and How to be more handsome and start to turn women on.

Category: Dating
Keywords: turn on, turn off, women

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