Bubble Boy Protection Perk

Oh, it’s a dangerous world out there! That’s just for the normal folk. Bob is anything but normal a powerful geek master in the Fantasy Geek game world of protractors and intrigue. His resilience is part a result of having unusually large hands (seriously big, people) and the decade or so of his youth that he spent literally inside a bubble as a result of having allergies to all know man-made, natural, and paranormal materials so far categorized by the minds of science. And yes, that includes cork. Yes, it also includes water, parrots, mopeds, and of course, Halloween candy corn. Everything. With modern science and an intensive local honey regiment, he was able to genetically alter his 25 chromosomes (still no indication what the other two do aside from make him break out in contact with Nutella) so that he could enjoy a normal life as an adult and once and for all, put away the bubble for warm summer days only down the hill behind his house. In honor of his bubbled existence, we created the Bubble Boy protection perk within the Fantasy Geek game. Let’s see how it works.

The Bubble Boy protection applies to the Physique, Baby! Category and is a direct response to the dreaded Corn Nuts trap within the game. An opponent can apply the Corn Nuts trap against a player in your roster of 6. This trap will automatically reduce that player’s Physique Baby score by 4 points which is a bit pop off of a potential total of 10 (the best score). As the description for the Corn Nuts trap read, “Allergic reaction to corn nuts leaves you with forehead rash. Yes, forehead only.”, you can see how the Bubble Boy protection perk in a wonderful antidote to this trap. In fact, if you have the Bubble Boy perk applied in advance, the Corn Nuts trap will not work and that opponent just wasted a very valuable trap. That’s where the beauty of the Bubble Boy protection perk or any of the protection perks come into play…the opponents can’t see that they’re applied and therefore, they will waste a trap on your player. That makes doubly delicious when they attack you only to have it foiled. If we could muster the maniacal evil villain laugh in word form, we would but we can’t, so we won’t. So what are the rules surrounding the Bubble Boy protection perk?

You have to apply it in advance of some one attacking your player. Each protection perk is specific to a given category so Bubble Boy only works on the Physique, Baby! Category . The individual perk can only be applied to one of your geek game players. If you protect one player and an opponent attacks one of your other 5 players, you’ll get no benefit from the perk. That doesn’t mean someone else won’t attack your player later in the week and the protection perk still remains valid through week’s end. When should use consider a protection perk versus some of the others? If find certain players getting attacked often in certain categories, that’s a prime chance to use the protection perk. It does three things. First, it protects the category and geek game player as intended. It’s wastes one of the opponents traps which are valuable. It also discourages the other opponents from attacking your player in the future as they fear the first two above. Either way, it’s such a wonderful way to tell your buddy/opponent “Suck It!” and isn’t that what friendship is all about. Bubble Boy just went legit in the world of Fantasy Geekdom!

Dennis Jarvis writes extensively about fantasy geek games and facebook games. His articles help people find the best free Facebook games to play and enjoy.

Dennis Jarvis writes extensively about Facebook games such as the Fantasy Geek Game. His articles can be found at http://www.fantasygeek.net

Author Bio: Dennis Jarvis writes extensively about fantasy geek games and facebook games. His articles help people find the best free Facebook games to play and enjoy.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: geek game, fantasy geek, fantasy geek games,facebook games,facebook geek games,geeks

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