Choosing the Right Diet For Your Dog

Studies have shown that the most healthy diet for dogs is a mixture of fresh, unprocessed natural ingredients, along with some carefully chosen herbal supplements. Giving your dog a balanced, natural diet helps it stay in good condition and reduces the likelihood of serious health problems occurring down the line. This article offers advice on what’s good and what’s bad when it comes to planning your dog’s feeding regime.

In the past it was simple. Owners saw their dogs would happily eat anything, so would not give much thought to their dietary requirements and would often just feed them leftovers from the dinner table. We now know that this can be a mistake, because food that is suitable for humans may have a fat, sugar or salt content that makes it unsuitable for dogs.

One easy (if unpleasant) way to tell that you are giving your dog an inappropriate diet is that their excrement will be more runny and difficult to clean up. Another sure sign is if your dog starts to put on too much weight – like humans, they can become obese if they continue to eat a poor diet, and this can lead to additional problems like kidney disease.

Even when you have the right balance of food for your dog, it can often still be a very good idea to use natural herbal supplements, for additional nutrients and extra health benefits.

One popular natural supplement is cod liver oil. This is a fantastic source of omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D, which are crucial for maintaining strong, healthy bones. It also contributes to a dog’s general health and wellbeing, by helping to maintain supple joints and good blood circulation.

Another useful supplement is evening primrose oil. It is excellent for maintaining skin and coat condition, and like cod liver oil it can be given with food. The high levels of gamma linolenic acid and vitamin E promote coat growth, making it perfect for breeds with long, silky coats. Primrose oil is also notable for having a stabilising effect on hormone imbalances.

As well as feeding them a healthy mix of food and supplements, it is advisable to avoid giving your dog snacks between meals. This can quickly become a habit, so in the interests of your dog’s discipline it might be best to avoid it altogether.

Finally, don’t forget a veterinary approved toothpaste to look after your dog’s teeth after eating. While dogs don’t need their teeth cleaned as often as we do, it is important that they have them cleaned regularly from an early age, ensuring their gums stay healthy and their breath stays fresh. Rather than traditional mint toothpastes, dogs prefer ones with a meaty taste.

For the best advice on choosing the right food, supplements and toothpaste for your dog, talk to your veterinary surgeon. They will be able to give you product recommendations and also point you to where you can read more online. A dog’s diet influences every part of their life, their body and their activities, so it’s vital we get the diet right to ensure they have a long and happy life.

Dorwest Herbs are the leading UK supplier of natural remedies for dogs. Visit their website for information on all supplements for dogs in the Dorwest catalogue.

Dorwest Herbs are the leading UK supplier of natural remedies for dogs. Visit their website for information on all supplements for dogs in the Dorwest catalogue.

Author Bio: Dorwest Herbs are the leading UK supplier of natural remedies for dogs. Visit their website for information on all supplements for dogs in the Dorwest catalogue.

Category: Pets
Keywords: natural remedies for dogs, dog medicines, canine supplements, herbal pet medicine

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