Five Super Simple Weight Loss Secrets

Having trouble fitting the battle of the bulge into your busy schedule? These five quick and easy to follow weight loss secrets will help you shed the pounds fast and get on the fast track to a better, healthier you.

Cut out soda.

When it comes to dieting, soda seems like the safe bet for sneaking in our sweets but soda can be one of the leading causes of weight gain. Those who cut soda out of their diet, mainly those who drank two or more sodas per day, reported a twenty pound weight loss within a year or less and an immediate loss of five pounds within a month.

Don’t stop eating.

Skipping meals can offer instant results within the first few days of . . . but after the first initial weight loss, things can go from bad to worse. Not only is this method extremely unhealthy after a couple of days you will begin to have trouble losing any weight at all. This is because your body is programmed to survive. When you don’t eat for extended times this tells your body to store up fat for starvation, making it near impossible to lose weight easily in the future.

Get adequate sleep.

Sleep is nature’s way of rejuvenating our bodies, tweaking all our bodily systems and boosting our metabolism. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t have enough time to rejuvenate. Those who get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, on average, weigh less than people who do not.

Trade your wheels in for sneakers.

If you really put your mind to it you can probably come up with at least one place in your regular routine that you can reach by walking a short distance. If your office building is in the city, trade your wheels for sneakers and walk to lunch with your favorite co-workers. If you live in a small town, a short walk might take you straight to the library or book store. Walking is a great way to stay fit and you are more likely to utilize this weight loss tool if you are going someplace you need to go as opposed to trying to motivate yourself to “just walk”.

Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

This sounds daunting if you can barely find time to eat dinner at night but it’s really not as hard as you think. 30 minutes doesn’t need to be done with weights or even with a workout tape. A 30 minute cleanup of the house can count, so can dancing around with your toddler. If you need to collectively exercise throughout the day instead of all 30 minutes at once, while it might not be as effective, it does count.

Alternate fitness routines.

If you are exercising on a regular basis and seeing no results it could be because you are doing too much of the same. Weight training alone can do wonders for firming but if you don’t work away the pounds you’ll never see all your hard work. Fitness experts recommend switching it up and alternating cardio workouts with weight training. This helps keep all aspects of your body fitter and also helps curb the boredom of the workout rut.

As with any weight loss routine, you should always check with your doctor before starting anything new. Remember, what works for someone else may not always work for you so if you do not see results right away don’t give up. The key is sticking to it until you find something that gives you concrete results.


Mr.Dimagrire –

Author Bio: Mr.Dimagrire

Category: Medicines and Remedies

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