Flirting With Subtlety

A lot of guys get seduction completely wrong by thinking that women want to be seduced the same way that men do. Trust me, they don’t.

Guys like a direct approach. They get turned on just seeing a naked body. But unless you look like Brad Pitt, and maybe even if you look like him, her seeing you sprawled out on the bed naked making come hither eyes to you is probably not going to work.

For a guy, seduction doesn’t take more than, “Hey, baby let’s get busy.”

Not so for women.

A woman wants the seduction to start hours, even days ahead of time. And the seduction should be subtle – nothing overt.

You increase your chances of seducing her if you say something like, “Can’t wait to spend some time with you later, just you and me.” That works a lot better than if you say something like, “Hey, can’t wait to get naked with you tonight.”

I’m not saying this is absolute. Occasionally you might run across a girl who prefers that direct approach. And, often, if you are in a long-term relationship, you develop your own lingo and code words and language that works for both of you. But when you are first dating someone and the relationship is new, use a little mystery to seduce.

Don’t throw it all out there on the line. Be a little mysterious about it. If there is one thing women know, it is that men are almost always willing and ready to get busy. You don’t need to tell her that. She knows.

What you can do is spark her desire and curiosity early in the day by letting her know you can’t wait to see her later. Say it less with words and more with a look. You’d be amazed at how what you don’t say, has more impact than what you do say.

So, here are some things to avoid:

– Blatant, crude vocabulary and dialogue about what is to come.

– Any type of groping or grabbing

– Letting her know you are ready and willing

And here are some things that work:

– Playing a bit coy. Not letting her know for sure what you have in mind

– Using your eyes and body language to convey your interest instead of your words

– A subtle touch. Caress the lower part of her back as you walk by. This does wonders to spark curiosity.

If you think about what you want to do to her and then look at her while you are thinking that, it makes words become superfluous. It will also make her a very happy woman. Women, just like men, like a bit of a challenge and like to maintain some mystery. They don’t want to know every single thing you think and do. They might say that, but in reality, they don’t. They will be more interested in you if you keep a little bit to yourself. Keep a little bit of your thoughts and desires veiled and she will definitely be intrigued.

Bill has been a PUA Forum for the last 7 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to find a girlfriend. The original article can be found here: Flirting With Subtlety.

Bill Preston has been studying personal development and dating advice for the past 7 years and is a guest instructor at the top Pick Up Artist Boot camp in NYC. He loves sharing his experience and expertise with other men looking to improve their lives. Find out more at

Author Bio: Bill has been a PUA Forum for the last 7 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to find a girlfriend. The original article can be found here: Flirting With Subtlety.

Category: Dating
Keywords: attract women, pick up women, pua forum, how to flirt

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