No Punch Backs: A Guide to Road Trip Games

One of the most excruciating activities you will encounter with your kids is a long road trip. The whole family is stuck in a small space for hours with nothing to do but whine and beat each other up. Hours of silence pass and it\’s little wonder that no one jumps out the car window to alleviate the pain.

Cell phones have countless game apps to download and play with. The downside to this is the constant use of a cell phone come with an awe-inspiring monthly service charge. You could suck up the ridiculous fees and play on but you risk running the battery down. You need to save your batteries for true roadside emergencies.

You can always bring back that old standard “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” and sing that together until you all go bananas. Actually, your fellow travelers are a fine source of entertainment for all.

Bingo isn\’t just for blue haired ladies at the senior center any more. You can go to websites that allow you to design your own bingo cards. Try picking out driver stereotypes instead of numbers and putting them on the cards. While driving along be on the lookout for a female redneck driving a powder pink, massive pick-up truck, or a Bentley with an executive in a three-piece suit doing the driving. Don\’t miss spotting that aging hippie with the pony tail in the tie-dyed \’67 VW Bus.

VW recently released the new VW Bug. Pretty soon the highways will be teeming with brand new Bugs for the picking. Spotting any VW Bug first in your vehicle gives you the right to punch any and all of the other passenger while you cry out, “PUNCH BUGGIE!” If it weren\’t for the automatic retort, “no punch-backs” the game would go on for hours based on the sighting of one Bug!

Don\’t let the beatings drag out. Whatever driving game you play, there should be a winner. People will want to participate more if they can get something out of it. The winner can claim prizes like snacks, which roadside attractions to stop at, pick the radio station for an hour, or maybe they get the front seat.

Be careful with the driver when playing a game. One real good punch to a driver could have the lot of you swerving off the road. Safety always comes first even with competitive road games.

The picnic game is a good one also as it combines memory and the alphabet in an intelligent, creative way. The game starts with someone declaring “I\’m going to a picnic and I\’m going to bring….”then says something that starts with the letter A all through to the letter Z. The fun comes when the food starts with a letter u or x or some other impossible letter to begin a food with. People will become desperately creative when it comes to inventing a food name that will help them win.

Sometimes while traveling scenic routes you see more livestock than people. The Cow game pits left against right when you count cows for points. Spotting a cemetery on the opposite side of your cows, clears the points that team earned. The winner with most cows gets to pick where you stop for lunch!

Maintain sanity as you go down that road together by staying entertained. The destination is only a part of every journey. Don\’t spend the entire time whining and wishing you were back two decades at the college frat party. These trips can be so amusing you may want to just keep on driving.

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Author Bio: For those who were interested in the above post, you can go take a look at more related posts at Seymour Kushner or this Seymour Kushner Blog Post.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: adventure,seymour kushner,recreation,fun,hobbies,outdoors,road trip,games

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