Seven Stroke Warning Signs That Could Save Your Life

The fear of stroke is one that is on the minds of many people, especially when they suffer from chronic heart problems, high blood pressure and heart disease. Stroke is the number four cause of death and the number one cause of disability in adults. While stroke can be a very scary subject there are several warning signs that, if you know them, can save your life or the life of someone that you love. This is why it is so imperative that you educate yourself on the signs of stroke.

If you believe that you are having a stroke do not attempt to drive yourself to the hospital and above all try not to panic. Be comforted by the fact that help is on the way and that stroke is often survivable with the advancement in medical technology. If you experience any of the below symptoms, you should call 911 immediately and wait for help to arrive.

Sudden numbness

Some people report numbness in their facial area. Some report it in arms and legs. However, the most common sign of stroke is numbness that is confined to one side of the body only. Numbness can also be a sign of nerve inflammation, nervous system disorders or neuropathy which can be related to diabetes or spinal issues. However, it is imperative to have numbness evaluated to rule out a stroke as time is of the essence when attempting to combat damage to the body’s working systems.

Sudden loss of coordination

Lack of coordination can be as simple as not being able to do the things you normally can do but these symptoms are often very noticeable. Trouble walking is a very common staple of stroke, so is dizziness and a feeling of instability.

Sudden severe headache

The headache that accompanies a stroke is often described as a thunder clap headache or sometimes the worst headache of your life. If you are experiencing a severe headache you should call 911 as this type of headache can also be indicative of something as serious as an aneurysm and sometimes something as simple and benign as a complicated migraine.

Sudden dizziness

Dizziness is also a classic sign of stroke. Dizziness alone is often not as tell-tale as dizziness with other symptoms but it still warrants inspection. Other causes of dizziness include low iron, low blood pressure and low blood sugar.

Sudden difficulty seeing

Sudden difficulty seeing is one of the scarier aspects of an impending stroke. If this symptom happens to you immediately dial 911 and try not to panic. Difficulty seeing can also be attributed to MS and diabetic attacks.

Sudden confusion

Confusion is top warning sign of stroke. You may find that you forget where you are, simply feel out of sorts in a big way or have trouble remembering what you want to say. Do not confuse this symptom with Alzheimer’s. The confusion of a stroke will in most cases come on suddenly.

Sudden slurring of words

Slurry speech may be noticed by those round you before you realize what’s going on. If you or a loved one notices a slur in your speech or if you have trouble getting your words out, call 911 immediately.

Stroke is very serious disease and it requires immediate attention. If you have any scary or unexplained symptoms it is imperative that you get medical help as soon as possible. Remember, it could be nothing but it is better to be safe than sorry. Don’t worry about how you will be viewed if everything turns out fine. Doctors experience this on a daily basis and find joy in giving good news.


Author: Ictus –

Author Bio: Ictus

Category: Medicines and Remedies

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