Stop Backaches at Work? Find Solutions in Singapore Now…

As life becomes easier with all the advanced electronic technology devices, this explains how a whole new era of back aches and pains started. The computer is one important device that most people cannot do without today. Whether it is at work or for entertainment a lot of our waking hours are spent with this wonderful creation. But with the boon comes the bane. Headaches, wrist pain, stiff neck, shoulder aches, back pain are few of the common problems faced with computer use.

Back pain has been stated as a very common cause for loss of work hours. However a few common preventive measures can help to reduce this incidence of back pain and lead to a more productive life. So next time you are at your desk, ensure correct ergonomics workstation and body posture:

– Does your chair have back support, especially lumbar area?

– Are your feet firmly placed on the ground?

– Is the normal curvature of your spine maintained when you sit at the desk?

– Is your computer placed, so that, the center of the screen is at your eye level? Are your forearms fully supported while you are working?

– Is your wrist held in neutral position (not excessive bend or extend)

– Also make sure you take that 2 minutes micro break every 20 minutes. All you need to do is stand up and stretch out before you resume work.

If you have developed a backache do not wait for it to take a turn for the worse. Consult your doctor or the physiotherapist immediately.

There are a number of structures in the back which are pain sensitive and an injury to any of these could be the result of your backache. It is thus very important to find out the pain causing structure and provide a specific good treatment. Most backaches respond well to physiotherapy treatment.

Physiotherapy treatment can consist of, pain relief modalities like Interferential Therapy, Ultrasound, Laser therapy along with manual therapy and exercises. Manual therapy can take the form of either deep tissue massage, soft tissue mobilization or joint mobilization. Exercises would include core muscle strengthening along with strengthening the dynamic muscles of the back. Clinical Pilates is a special form of exercise prescribed by physiotherapist which involves and integration of strength training of the spinal core muscles along with dynamic muscles of the spine. This form of exercise also involves using the arms and legs thus simulating muscle work in a day to day life.

Besides treatment for back pain, physiotherapist also go to the workplace to assess the ergonomics to see if pose risk of recurrent backaches, and neckaches. Advice and recommendation on correct ergonomics and back posture are given.

Patients who go through the full course of physiotherapy rehabilitation and follow the ergonomic advice will rarely face a recurrence in backache.

Just like the trunk of the tree is responsible for its stability, our spine is responsible for our stability. So exercise regularly and take care of your spine.

Singapore Physiotherapist provides physiotherapy treatment for backaches and back pain


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Singapore Physiotherapist provides physiotherapy treatment for backaches and back pain Http:// Http://

Author Bio: Singapore Physiotherapy Centre Find good physical therapist in Singapore

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: physiotherapy, backaches, back pain, ergonomics, physical therapy clinic in singapore

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