Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks in Women

Symptoms of anxiety attacks in women are usually some conditions that make her feel nervous and uncontrollable by situations that should be normal and non-threatening. Women are going through or are about to experience menopause are prime candidates for these attacks.

These anxiety attacks, also referred to as a panic attacks can be a very terrifying experience for these women who have never been through anxiety attacks before. Some of these symptoms of anxiety attacks can be very confusing to the individuals who have no idea as to why their body is reacting in such an unusual manner.

If you have experienced any of these unusual symptoms (below) then I am here to help you understand it better and try and put your mind at ease as you put your life in order.

It is believed that the symptoms usually begin during perimenopause (that time in a woman\’s body when her menstruation eventually stops and she goes through changes that no longer allow her to get pregnant).

The hormonal imbalances that are taking place in her body during perimenopause and menopause could be the main cause of anxiety attacks.

It is comforting to know that these anxiety attacks are very treatable. It is recommended that you speak with your family doctor if you are experiencing any of these anxiety attacks before you start treating yourself, so that you can get an accurate diagnosis of the case.

Getting your anxiety attack symptoms medically investigated after your first experience, will help reassure you that nothing more serious might be wrong.

The panic can attack without warning and last for just a few minutes or up to hours. A woman who is affected must face the possibility of an attack occurring at odd moments, could be when she is driving, or making a purchase, or going to church, or being with friends and associates.

Here are some of the typical symptoms of anxiety attacks in women:

The most common symptoms of anxiety attacks are: An accelerated heart rate or pounding heart Lightheadedness or feeling faint Feeling nauseous or stomach cramps Profuse sweating Nervousness in shaking or trembling Difficulty breathing A choking sensation Discomfort or pain in the chest A feeling of being dizzy Palpitations (unusual heartbeats prompting awareness) Unsteadiness Derealization – DR (the real world seems altered and unreal) Depersonalization Disorder – DPD (feeling of disconnectedness or detached from one\’s body and thoughts) Fear of losing your mind or going crazy Fear of dying with feeling of numbness or a tingling sensation Chill feelings or hot flashes

This is not an exhaustive list of possible symptoms of anxiety attack in women. What does it really feel like to experience an attack?

Usually an panic attack begins with an unusual bodily sensation of one or more from the list above. The underlining thread is fear. She reacts with fear that the symptoms are going to bring on a much more serious threat, and in turn reacts with greater fear which can explode into a state of panic. This can result in a vicious cycle of anxiety and fear.

These are some typical situations reported to cause symptoms of anxiety attacks in women:

Driving Airplanes Crowded areas Attending a function At Night while sleeping Being amongst high profile individuals

As the list indicates, anxiety attacks can happen during a situation where she feels trapped and cannot exit easily from the situation such as a meeting

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