Why All Parents Should Have an Otoscope

Especially this time of year, when the weather is cold and children often must play indoors, it is quite common for colds to spread quickly. While the ordinary cold may lead to sniffles and coughing, some children may actually develop ear infections. Because some children are more prone to getting an ear infection, their parents really should consider getting an otoscope for use at home.

Parents that are unfamiliar with an otoscope should know that it is a common medical instrument, used by physicians, to closely examine the inner ears. This device contains a magnifying glass and light, which allows health care providers to look for signs of infection or damage to the eardrum. Any parent that values the health of their child will most certainly find this a very important home medical instrument.

By looking into the ear canal with an otoscope, parents can check for common ear conditions that children face including a buildup of cerumen. Cerumen is the medical term for earwax, and is quite common among young children with narrow ear canals that have yet to fully develop. Another ear condition children often cope with is otitis media, which is commonly known as a middle ear infection. Outer ear infections, known by medical professionals as otitis externa and the layperson as swimmers ear, is less common in young children.

Although parents may feel compelled to deal with the presence of excessive cerumen on their own, it is important to note that sticking any object in a child’s ear poses risks to the eardrum. When an excessive amount of cerumen is witnessed, it is best to let a physician properly clean the child’s ears with the appropriate medical instruments.

Ear infections can be especially painful, and early detection is essential in limiting the pain a child experiences. Using standard antibiotic therapy, physicians can easily treat ear infections. On the other hand, ear infections that have been left to grow may actually require drainage tubes as part of the treatment process. If you suspect your child has an ear infection, it is strongly recommended that you speak with your family physician as soon as possible.

Those parents that have more than one child will most certainly want an otoscope which accepts disposable specula. Specula are the coned shaped parts of the otoscope which enter the ear canal. By using disposable specula, parents can rest knowing that they will not spread infections among their children. Most modern day otoscopes permit the use of disposable specula, which is extraordinarily affordable.

The quality of an otoscope is determined by both its magnification qualities and the clarity in its display. More expensive otoscopes tend to have larger viewing windows and utilize a LED light bulb. Since LED bulbs last many years, this can reduce the overall maintenance expenses associated with otoscopes. Additionally, LED light bulbs do supply better lighting conditions for ear examinations and are resistant to damage arising from accidentally dropping the otoscope.

The benefit of parents having an otoscope extends well beyond having the ability to check the health of their child’s ears. Because ear pain can often result from sinus drainage and allergies, using an otoscope can often minimize unnecessary trips to the doctor. The savings from reduced office visit fees can often offset the purchase of a new otoscope in the first year alone.

This syndicated author often writes about home medical devices, including the otoscope. At the Otoscoped website parents can learn more about the best otoscopes on the market and how they can help parents maintain the health of their children.

This syndicated author often writes about home medical devices, including the otoscope. At the Otoscoped website, http://otoscoped.com/, parents can learn more about the best otoscopes on the market and how they can help parents maintain the health of their children.

Author Bio: This syndicated author often writes about home medical devices, including the otoscope. At the Otoscoped website parents can learn more about the best otoscopes on the market and how they can help parents maintain the health of their children.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: otoscope,ears,health,medical,parenting

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