Growing Asparagus- The Gift That Keeps on Giving


Asparagus officinalis

Asparagus is a hardy perennial plant. It rises to the height of five feet and up, with a vertical, branching stem, short slender tube like leaves, and greenish sagging flowers. The seeds, which are produced in spherical, scarlet berries, are black, somewhat triangular, and retain their germination powers four years.

It is indigenous to the shores of various countries of Europe and Asia and since its introduction, has become domesticated to a considerable extent in this country.

Propagation- Asparagus is propagated from seed, which may be sown either in autumn, just before the closing-up of the ground, or in spring as soon as the soil is in good working condition. The seed-bed should be thoroughly spaded over, or tilled up so the soil is fine. Level and raked the surface smooth.

Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep and 2 inches apart in the row. Start the seeds in the spring when the soil temperatures have reached 60

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