How to Effectively Defend Yourself Against a Male Attacker

Women who find themselves in trouble would wish they knew self defense. And when you are faced with a male attacker who is, most probably, stronger and bigger than you, you have to be able to protect yourself.

First of all, remember not to get inside the vehicle of a stranger. Getting in a car with a man you barely know can get you in a lot of trouble. Never hitch rides with someone you do not trust even if you feel like you really need it. Statistics dictate that this act can be one of the most risky behaviors anyone can exhibit.

Sometimes staying in an uncomfortable place is safer than risking your well being inside the car with a stranger. If you can’t go home because you can’t find any public transportation system to use, you should find an alternative place to spend the night in. Invest a small amount for your safety inside a hotel or a motel.

When you are faced with your attacker, fighting back should not be the first thing on your mind. Your priority will be to run away when the first opportunity strikes. Put as much distance between you and your predator. And while you are running away, make sure that you find a way to call for help. If the area is surrounded by homes or by people, you should shout as loud as you can. If you have your phone with you, dial your local emergency and police service. Putting these numbers on speed dial on your phone can be advantageous to you. You will be able to save precious seconds in trying to search for the number on your phone’s phonebook or in punching in the numbers.

Save yourself the trouble of having to run away from an attacker. If you did not put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation and in a potentially dangerous place, none of this would have happened in the first place. You have to note the places that you go into. Do not use a shortcut when the shortcut is a dark alley. It will be best for you to walk through a public place where a lot of people can help you if you are in need. Crimes are also least likely to happen if there are lots of potential witnesses.

If you can, limit the times when you have to be out on the streets late at night. Being with a friend whom you trust can be safe. But more importantly, staying secure at home is always a much better option if you want to stay safe.

It might be helpful for you to learn a few fighting tips. Learn to use your hands and your feet in order to effectively defend yourself. Aside from this, you also have to learn how to attack. If your attacker is a male, you should know that the groin area, in addition to the eyes, neck and throat, is a vulnerable place. You can easily incapacitate your attacker and get away.

Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells taser gun and stun gun as well as a host of additional products.

Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells taser gun and stun gun as well as a host of additional products.

Author Bio: Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells taser gun and stun gun as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Advice

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