How to Make a Homemade Blackhead Removal Strip

Skin impurities can be frustrating, especially if a person is about to go on a date, an important business meeting, or a reunion with family members you haven’t seen for a long time. One of the most unwanted things that can pop out on somebody’s face is acne.

And as if acne were not enough, here comes blackheads to make things even worse.

Blackheads are very stubborn to remove. Facial scrubs are not much help either, since blackheads tend to travel deep down the pores. It can also be quite embarrassing if a person has very visible blackheads. Though a person might attempt to hide it with makeup, blackheads will never go away on its own. Having acne and blackheads can bring body image and self-esteem issues, and this is not a good thing to experience, especially to teenagers.

There are plenty of dermatologic treatments to remove blackheads. Fortunate are those who can afford such treatments, because a single trip to the dermatologist is not enough to make blackheads go away. There are also pharmaceutical agents that can help in blackhead removal. These medications cost less than dermatologic treatments, but they are not that friendly to the pocket either.

Good thing there is a product available in the market that can remove blackheads even without making a consultation to the doctor or taking any medicines. Blackhead removal strips are one of the fastest and easiest ways to get rid of blackheads. This is available on the local supermarket, drugstore, or beauty aisle of the department store. However, blackhead removal strips may be costly, and regular trips to a store just to buy a pack may be a hassle for us sometimes. Wouldn’t it be a sigh of relief if one could make blackhead removal strips at home?

Actually, anyone can make homemade blackhead removal strips because these are easy to make and are affordable too. The ingredients for homemade blackhead removal strips are easy to find in local groceries or even at home. The recipe for this easy-to-do beauty product is gelatin and milk. Also, materials and equipment such as a spoon, microwaveable container, a foundation or concealer brush, and a microwave oven is needed.

First step is to put one tablespoon of milk in a microwaveable container. It can be skimmed milk, whole milk, non-fat milk, any kind of milk can be used as long as it does not come in powder form. Next, mix one tablespoon of gelatin with the milk. It now should form a paste. Afterwards, pop the mixture inside a microwave oven for ten seconds. If there is no microwave oven in the house, one can heat the mixture on a stovetop for one minute. By then, the paste should have transformed into a smoother and watery consistency. Let the mixture cool down for it to be applied on the skin. Use an old foundation or concealer brush to apply it on the bridge of the nose and paying attention to the sides where blackheads are usually seen.

We have designed a program called Blackhead Removal.This program has some incredible shocking tips that teaches how to get rid of get access to these tips visit

Blackhead Removal program has helped thousands of people by giving them some secret tips on how to get rid of acne.for more information visit

Author Bio: We have designed a program called Blackhead Removal.This program has some incredible shocking tips that teaches how to get rid of get access to these tips visit

Category: Advice
Keywords: acne,beauty tips,acne treatment,skin care,pimples,warts and moles,clear skin,skin cream,blackheads

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