How to Setup and Use Tool Inventory Control

Using tool inventory control properly lets struggling companies enjoy cost savings through efficiency. The cost for replacing lost or broken equipment has skyrocketed and not having tracking software in place is a costly mistake. However, having the system in place without properly using it can be just as costly. With the right options it can become an easy-to-use system that provides the organization needed to keep track of the inventory.

Using the system as an automated process saves time and provides a better process for tracking equipment. The employees that use company equipment can be held accountable through this system. Both employees and managers are able to better keep track of who has what tools. Loss can be charged to employees that have a habit of losing their equipment, thereby increasing responsibility. Often, profit and employee raises are directly affected by the cost of having to replace the equipment.

The options that are available need to be used in order to provide the most efficient process. Along with the tracking software, other equipment can be used to track the equipment. The reports should be used for cost control and employee accountability. Audits can help ensure that accurate counts are being kept. The result of having a better system in place is lower equipment costs.

Scanners can be used with bar-codes to ensure accurate counts. Each tool should have a separate code for tracking purposes. This is the case for like tools as well. When an employee checks the equipment out, it can be placed on the employees account in the system. Using the scanner makes the process go much faster with better accuracy.

Periodic audits can be performed to ensure the system is up to date. The ability to use a wireless scanner to perform weekly or monthly audits is invaluable. This keeps the system up to date should tools end up back in inventory that had not been checked in. No system is perfect, but with audit capabilities you can get as close as possible.

Utilizing reports allows management to evaluate purchases. With these reports the managers are able to hold employees responsible for lost equipment, as well as evaluating needs to purchase certain equipment. The tools that are not being used much can be reduced while others increased in the inventory.

Saving money is the goal of inventory control. There is no denying that having a better handle on the amount of tools and equipment in stock will give a better picture of where the money has been spent. Using the the system properly will help deter loss and guide the purchasing department in replacing equipment as needed.

The goal of tool inventory control is to save money. Installing the tracking software does not do much good if it is not used properly. Making sure the warehouse staff uses it to check equipment in and out is the first step. The reports can then help recoup cost for lost equipment and guide the company in future purchasing decisions.

ToolHound provides a powerful Tool Inventory Control and Tool Management Software maximizing tool and equipment utilization.

ToolHound provides a powerful Tool Inventory Control and Tool Management Software maximizing tool and equipment utilization.

Author Bio: ToolHound provides a powerful Tool Inventory Control and Tool Management Software maximizing tool and equipment utilization.

Category: Business Management
Keywords: Business, technology, computers, internet, tools, construction, database, control system, management

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