How Your Thoughts and Feelings Affect Your Health

In the last two decades, two monumental discoveries were made in health research, but they seem to have been shoved under the carpet. The possibilities uncovered by these discoveries would revolutionize how we view health and illness and the power we have to positively affect our own well being. Yet, for reasons I can only ascribe to the greed of drug companies, these two discoveries have been pushed under the surface, while a conventional fallacy has remained in force.

This fallacy is that your DNA determines your health. We are still under the spell of the false idea that there’s a gene for everything and that if you have certain genetic predispositions your fate is sealed-except for strong chemical intervention.

So what are the two revolutionary discoveries that call these ideas into question?

First, the much-vaunted genome project ground to a halt with the discovery that the number of genes in the human gene pool couldn’t even begin to describe the diversity of functions in our bodies. Far from being the sole determining factor of our lives, genes only describe a general range of possibilities available to us. What actually happens in our cells and in our lives is the result of far more powerful forces. These forces are the subject of the second discovery.

The second discovery is that your “cellular environment” determines how your DNA expresses-which genes are activated and which ones are de-activated at any given time. And the cellular environment is created by factors that you have a great deal of control over. These influences include the environment you live in, the quality of your relationships, the food you eat, the self-care practices you maintain, and maybe most importantly, the thoughts, feelings, and intentions that dominate your consciousness.

What keeps us from recognizing this alternative view is the entrenchment of the old perspective. It begins with how we perceive our bodies and what makes for health. We still hold the assumption that our bodies are fundamentally chemical systems controlled by our DNA. Our main form of intervention therefore comes in the form of chemical manipulation. From that perspective, whether it’s indigestion or depression, we operate as if illness is a “drug deficiency.” We deal with superficial symptoms rather than root causes-and, of course, this all makes a lot of money for those who deal the drugs.

So what other perspective is possible?

What if, as other medical systems around the world have known for centuries, the human body is an amazingly intelligent bio-energetic information system?

What does that mean for health and illness?

First, it means your body chemistry is secondary and dependent upon what is happening in the bio-energetic information field of your body. The free flow of bio-energetic information in this field initiates and guides the chemical processes. What is occurring in this field programs and activates the DNA in your cells. When this flow is disrupted or blocked, you get sick.

What is especially significant about this understanding is that it recognizes the amazing self-healing ability of your body and the tremendous power you have to positively affect your health. One of the most important ways that you influence your cellular environment and facilitate the smooth flow of bio-energetic information through your body is by the habitual thoughts and feelings that you maintain.

Here is one simple way that you can have a powerful positive impact not only on your own health, but also on how you feel and the results you get in your life:

Make it a practice to maintain thoughts and feelings of appreciation, gratitude, and trust.

It’s a law of consciousness that you perceive and experience what you are looking for and expect. If you are constantly looking for what is wrong, or lacking, or problematic, you will surely find it. However, if you actively look through the lens of appreciation, gratitude, and trust you will experience more evidence to support those thoughts and feelings. As a result, you will fill your bio-energetic information field with positive feelings and your body will reap the rewards.

So, how can you do that?

Here’s a simple practice:

In every situation, appreciate the good in what is happening. See opportunities instead of problems. See the positive possibilities that are present because of exactly the way things are. Be grateful for “what is”-for the gifts and talents you’ve been given and the resources that are available to you right now. Actively look for evidence that you are always provided with everything you need right when you need it-and soon you will see that this is so. As you begin to witness that, your trust in Life will grow.

If you’d like to learn more about a powerful meditation to raise your energetic vibration and grow positive results in your life, check out the resource box below.

Enjoy your practice!

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Are you ready to quiet your mind, relax deeply, and manifest what you truly desire? For the best meditation techniques, tips, and information, be sure to visit us here:

Author Bio: Are you ready to quiet your mind, relax deeply, and manifest what you truly desire? Discover how to take your practice to the next level. For the best meditation techniques, information, and tips, be sure to visit us here.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: self-healing, self-care, holistic health, appreciation, gratitude, trust, law of attraction, energy

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