Importance of Stretching and Strengthening Programs

Aside from car accidents, injuries are common amongst athletes due to the fact that a sport is a very competitive activity where the battle is measured in terms of speed, strength, stamina, and intelligence. Almost all of us have suffered from various types of injuries all over our body which are either caused by accidents or through activities. Treatment usually follows after an accident in order to restore the condition of the body that has sustained damage(s). At the end of the treatment, rehabilitation is soon followed in order to get back on track.

Rehabilitation programs are created in order to bring back an athlete to its former condition. These may vary depending on what type of injury, where it is afflicted, and the severity of the damage. Most injuries are graded depending on the seriousness of the case. These are essential and should not be left out or overlooked as they will determine the result of the whole healing and recovery process.

The goal of stretching programs is to improve the range of motion as well as the flexibility to restore the loss of function. Stretching exercises usually starts with slow and gentle flexes and stretches and gradually increases in range as well as the added resistance. Stretches are done while the patient is standing, sitting, or lying down the floor. Sometimes it also requires the assistance of another person or a stretch bond to help with the program. There are many variations in stretching exercises depending on the prescription of the doctor. As the recovery process progresses, harder exercises are given in order to complete the rehabilitation program. An increase in repetition as well as on the time the stretch and compression is being held are very important in making the program efficient and effective.

Strengthening exercises on the other hand helps a person recover from his or her loss of strength. Although immobilization is important during the early stage, it also has a negative impact on our body especially when sidelined for a long period of time. Immobilizing an injured part of the body will make the muscle tissues shorten and weaken especially when done in a long period of time. The best thing to do in order to regain the strength and length of these important tissues of our bodies is to conduct strengthening exercises. These are commonly made up of resistance programs that are effective in encouraging the body to work. Exercises comprise of weight lifting, resistance bond, and other devices that will make you struggle before you can accomplish your task.

Proper execution and consistency are very important things to keep in mind when under these programs. You don’t have to spend too much time on these exercises as long as you do them correctly. Do not skip your workout as this will not improve your status. When an increase in repetitions and hold is demanded or advised by your doctor, make sure that you can comply with this as this is for your own good.

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Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about choosing the right hot stones for a hot stone massage kit

Category: Advice
Keywords: hot stones,hot stone massage kit,hot stone

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