Keeping Data Safe Is Critical To Business And Paper Shredding Services Do It Best

The world economic outlook has been grim for over two years now, and we are finally seeing the first hints that there may be a recovery in the future. Competition during such times is even more extreme than under normal conditions. This breeds a deeper interest in such nefarious acts as industrial espionage and companies can protect themselves from victimization with paper shredding services.

In such a global circumstance, care in protecting industrial knowledge must be included when in-processing each new employee. Especially for those new to the workforce, the idea of protecting intellectual property is something they will be unfamiliar with. Initial and recurring training is critical to the corporate effort of maintaining secure data.

The aspect of keeping company business from others is the focus of intense effort in the information technology field. There are people who expend all their effort in the attempt to break into networks to wreak havoc. Even if they are not intent on stealing the statistics and ideas, they may wish to destroy, alter or deny access to it.

One way almost every business is vulnerable is to what is known as the insider threat. This is a situation when for one reason or another, someone that works for the company decides voluntarily to cooperate with an outside agent to release information, usually for money. There is no true way to protect from this threat, so care must be taken in the hiring of employees to select only those with integrity.

A newer vulnerability provides headaches for companies worldwide; it is the specter of social media. Individuals who are fastidious about following precautions with information on the job are as human as anyone else, and the impulse to talk about work is strong. Especially those who are involved in new or exciting processes must be cautioned or even monitored to prevent accidental disclosure. An experienced sleuth can gain a lot of information by monitoring numerous employees and cross referencing discussions.

Companies are not the exclusive target of knowledge thieves, in fact individual victims may account for more victims and losses than companies suffer. Part of the reason is that unlike at work, few people practice the care needed to protect personal data. A criminal need only check out the nearest trash can to post office boxes, engage in a little dumpster diving and they can reap a bonanza of account numbers, addresses and more.

The incidence of medical identification theft is a serious, growing issue. By stealing insurance information from a discarded bill, fake coverage can be made and sold to people ineligible for such care. Once these people use the credentials for treatment, their statistics, including blood type and medical history will supplant the original, which could result in a fatal mistake later.

By far the greatest vulnerability for companies and families is paperwork. Documents that are thrown away do not disappear, and criminals do not mind digging for them in trash cans or dumpsters. The best solution is to have professional paper shredding services dispose of all documents when they are no longer needed.

Using professional shredding services can provide your business with a secure and cost effective solution for the destruction of confidential waste.

Using professional shredding services can provide your business with a secure and cost effective solution for the destruction of confidential waste.

Author Bio: Using professional shredding services can provide your business with a secure and cost effective solution for the destruction of confidential waste.

Category: Business
Keywords: shredding services

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