What is a Dead Leg (Quadriceps Contusion)?

A dead leg, also known as a charley horse is a type of injury caused by a sharp impact on the muscle tissues that is usually pressed or crushed against the bone of the thigh. The common result of these impacts is a bruise or contusion on the legs especially on the thigh area which leaves blood clot inside the muscle tissues. This type of injury is common in contact sports such as in mixed martial arts where athletes battle it out using their four limbs to knock-out, submit, or dominate their opponent.

In most cases, people with this type of injury may have difficulties on walking especially on serious level of damages. After a strong impact during contact sports or an accidental bump to an object, numbness can be felt which will eventually be replaced with pain afterwards. Swelling and bruising can also be expected after an impact especially if it was received with excessive force.

There are two types of quadriceps contusion which differ from each other due to the position of the muscle tissues.

-Intramuscular – the injury on the muscles is within the sheath surrounding the muscle tissues. In cases such as these, you can expect longer recovery periods due to the fact that the blood or fluid is entrapped which requires more time for the muscle tissues to heal and fully recover from the injury. Intramuscular contusion can be painful and often results to the loss of function on that area of the legs. In most cases, you will not detect any visible sign of bruising.

-Intermuscular – with intermuscular injury, it is a tearing of the muscle as well as an area of the sheath surrounding the muscle tissue. It is most likely easier to recover from this type of injury as compared to intramuscular damage due to the fact that blood is able to flow away from the damaged area. Bruising is commonly seen on the area where impact has landed.

The common symptoms of a dead leg (quadriceps contusion) are pain, loss of function, numbness, and bruising. Some cases also include the swelling of the leg especially on the area where impact was specifically done. Inability to straighten and bend legs properly due to the painful feeling when trying these actions is also a common sign that you are dealing with a dead leg. All of these symptoms may vary depending on the grade or degree of injury you have acquired.

Treatment for quadriceps contusion may vary depending on your case. However, in most cases a program of R.I.C.E. (Rest Immobilization, Cold Compress, and Exercise) is followed in order to acquire full healing and recovery at a shorter period of time. In case the problem is severe, most athletes and average individual would resort to surgery. Sports massage is also used to help patients recover a lot better and faster than without intervention. Massage also helps in regulating the blood which has been trapped on the sheath of muscle tissues. In addition, it helps improve the condition of the injured area of the body helping it to become much stronger.

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