What is a Footballer’s Ankle

People who are feeling kind of weird on the front of their ankle should schedule for a checkup immediately. As soon as you feel pain when you bend your foot upwards and downwards, you should suspect an injury known as a footballer’s ankle. It is caused by the abnormal growth of a bone right at the front of the ankle. This bone is located on the area where the joint capsules at the ankle area connect.

The common symptom of a footballer’s ankle is aching on the front of the ankle when you try to bend it up and down. You will also feel tenderness and pain as you press in the area using your fingers. You will also feel irregularity on the affected foot such as a lump at the front of the ankle. Walking will be affected and running will be painful and uncomfortable. You will not be able to kick a ball using the affected foot as pain will set in as soon as you do this. The patient can contribute a lot of things for his or her own good though by letting the ankle to rest. Immobilization is a patient’s friend in a successful and effective restoration and healing process.

There are a few treatment practiced all over the world when it comes to treating footballer’s ankle. In most cases, this can be solved using conservative methods such as R.I.C.E. or rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Some people go through surgery in case the bony growth has accumulated enough length which prevents the ankle from functioning properly. In addition, this will cause pain and discomfort to the patient who will have a hard time recovering from the injury.

The best thing a patient can do is to get medical help from someone who is experienced in treating such type of injury. Although most doctors can accomplish the job well, receiving treatment from a highly skilled medical professional has a higher chance of success although with a bit higher price tag in return. Usually, the first thing that you can expect from your doctor is an x-ray session which will confirm the damage on your ankle. Afterwards, steroids injection, sports massage, and rehabilitation programs coupled with rest are among the commonly prescribed treatment that you should acquire and accomplish throughout your recovery process. Braces designed for providing support on the ankle are also recommended by most doctors to help the patient with the body weight as well as to keep the ankle intact.

Follow the doctor’s advice of getting enough rest and immobilization for your affected lower limb(s). This will help the injury to recover a lot faster than it would in case you use the leg for walking or other purposes. Cold therapy will also add more advantages to the patient while under recovery. On severe cases, crutches or wheel chairs can be used to help the person with his or her mobility.

Calf stretchers as well as resistance bands are great additions to your stretching and strengthening programs. Add these to your exercises and you can expect improvements on your recovery progress.

I write for TIR Massage Stone about choosing the right basalt stones and massage rocks for a hot stone massage.

I write about basalt stones & massage rocks for http://www.TirMassageStone.com

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about choosing the right basalt stones and massage rocks for a hot stone massage.

Category: Advice
Keywords: basalt stones,massage rocks,stones massage

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