What is a Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

Athletes are group of people who compete for a certain kind of sports. They train hard to attain speed, strength, endurance, and other essential traits that would get them the glory, fame, and fortune of their beloved sports. On the other hand, they also fall victims to never-ending injuries due to the strenuous training programs. Among the injuries that they incur during trainings sessions and in the game are damages dealt on the knees of the athletes.

A patellofemoral pain syndrome or PFPS is a common injury on the front knees (patella or kneecap) of an athlete due to the incorrect movement of the lower limb when bending or flexing. PFPS is a generic term utilized when describing a gradual increase of pain on the front knee. This condition does not immediately affect the patient, in fact it is a gradual process where the victim slowly feels pain and walking becomes difficult in the long run. Without proper medical attention, correction, and action, this would progress into bigger problems in the future. You can expect damages on the surrounding tissues of the front knee if immediate medical care is not administered to the patient. However, with proper treatment and rehabilitation program(s), any person can easily heal and recover from the injury with ease.

The common signs and symptoms that you are experiencing a patellofemoral pain syndrome is an aching pain in the joints of your knees. Although swelling does not usually manifest in all cases, you can experience this symptom from time to time. You will hear a ticking or clicking sound whenever you bend your knees due to the improper movement of the knees. You can feel tenderness along the inside of the kneecap. Pain is very significant when walking up and down on stairs. Tightness on the muscles surrounding the knee area can also be experienced.

There are several types of treatment that can be used to bring back the condition of the kneecap. In most cases, natural remedies are used due to the fact that it is not a very serious problem which requires surgery. In most cases, rest is usually among the commonly advised by doctors on patients to as it helps a lot with the recovery process. In addition, it also prevents further damages on the knees and on the areas surrounding it. The amount of rest required solely depends on one’s injury and condition. In most cases, rest is needed until the pain is totally eliminated. Cold compress is also used on injuries as it helps in keeping the swelling and bruising in control. Massage therapies, stretching, and strengthening programs follows afterwards to help a patient completely recover from the condition.

Above all, seek the medical attention, action, and advice of a good, reliable doctor for faster and more effective results. It should also be always kept in mind that it is very important to ask your doctor first before going on with a program. This is in order to protect you from harm as this will prevent more damages done to the affected areas of the body.

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Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about harvesting the ideal basalt stones and hot

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: basalt stones,hot stone,stones stone

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