What is Sciatica

Sciatica or also known as radiculopathy in medical term is an injury caused by a slipped disc which results to back pain. This aching process radiates down to the leg causing discomfort to any person who has this type of injury. Walking will usually be affected while running can be painful. Some cases include the numbness of the feet which does have an impact on your movement.

There are many causes of sciatica; however a slipped or prolapsed disc is among the common contributor of the injury. Athletes and regular individuals alike can suffer from this type of condition especially those who are lifting heavy loads. Improper or repetitive carrying of objects can result to the damage on your back. As soon as you feel back pain radiating into your legs, do not wait much longer as this is a clear sign of an acute nerve root compression or popularly known as sciatica.

Early detection is the key to success when it comes to preventing severe conditions as well as in treating damages dealt to the back of the body. Here are some of the signs and symptoms you need to look out for in a sciatica condition.

-Pain – acute pain will be felt immediately at the acquisition of the injury. You can also expect the back and legs to ache as you try to lift things. Sitting down on a chair can also be quite uncomfortable and painful. Although the painful experience is bad throughout the day, you can expect good condition as you wake up in the morning.

-Muscle Spasm – you will feel muscle tightening at your lower back

-Tenderness – in case you try to press at your lower back, you will feel tenderness as you push with your fingers.

-Numbness – this will be felt inside the legs alternated with pins and needles.

The treatment methods used in treating sciatica share almost the same principles as with the recovery process of other injuries. Rest would be your primary preventive measure as well as a part of your healing process. As much as possible, avoid carrying heavy objects during your rehabilitation. Weight bearing activities should be stopped as these will only get the condition intensified. Anti-inflammatory medications are usually advice to patients who are suffering from such type of injury in order to be able to go on with the condition. Heat therapy is also used during the recovery process as it helps in relieving muscle stress and spasms.

Complete your rehabilitation program in order to fully recover from the injury. It also helps strengthen your core and back which prevents the reoccurrence of the problem in the future. Ask your doctor regarding the proper exercises that you can use as a part of your program.

Sports massage therapy is also used on people who are suffering from sciatica. However, this should not be taken without the approval of a medical specialist. Severe cases should be isolated and should undergo surgery as conservative treatment methods usually do not have an impact.

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Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about choosing the right basalt stones and massage rocks for a hot stone massage.

Category: Advice
Keywords: basalt stones,massage rocks,stones rocks

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