4 Major Entry Routes ForBloodborne Pathogens Into Your Body

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis virus do not yet have any known cure. These bloodborne pathogens are harmful to your body. And there are various routes of entry they can use to gain access into your body. Once they enter, you are most likely to get infected. These pathogens need a host body to survive and they use numerous ways to spread to the blood.

– Accidental Needle pricks: Usually it is health care employees that have a greater risk of accidental needle prick injuries. However, it is not uncommon for others also to get pricked by a sharp object. Your health is of utmost importance and therefore you must be very careful while dealing with sharp objects that may be contaminated. Voluntary needle pricks, tattoo piercings are methods by which bloodborne pathogens can enter your body if the instrument is not clean. Drug users who share needles are playing with their life as they are opening the route of entry for these pathogens. When the contaminated needle is used, it transmits the pathogen into the blood directly.

– Gestational Routes: During pregnancy the fetus is attached to the mother by an umbilical cord that transfers the nutrients and blood from mother to the baby. This attachment is very necessary for the proper growth of the fetus. However, it can also be an entry route for pathogens to transfer from mother to baby causing bloodborne diseases, during pregnancy, labor or breastfeeding. This risk can be reduced by use of certain antiviral medications during pregnancy and also by surgical delivery and avoiding breastfeeding.

– Open cuts and wounds: Deep, as well as superficial cuts and wounds must always be cleaned and closed with a bandage or dressing. Wounds that are left uncovered are susceptible to bloodborne pathogens entering through the wound opening. Health agencies around the United States of America have come up with certain guidelines that considerably reduce chances of spread of these pathogens in sports injuries at school.

– Mucous Membranes: Your mouth, nose, eyes and lining of reproductive organs have soft tissues in them which are lined by mucous membranes. These mucous membranes contain moisture and their distinct feature is to soak up all the liquids. Therefore they are highly permeable when in contact with bloodborne pathogens. An example of mucous membrane being an entry route is during intercourse, the HIV virus can be transmitted via the membranes because of contact with blood and body fluids.

Therefore is essential for all individuals and especially health care workers to be extremely careful while dealing with sharp instruments and potentially infected blood and body fluids. The practice of universal precautions is a must in your health care organization. Hand washing, correct waste disposal methods and safety measures must be instilled in to all the employees’ minds. Protective barriers like eye gear, face masks, gowns, aprons, gloves etc. must be worn always while dealing with patients. All patients must be treated as potentially infected. Your health should be your primary concern.

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Author Bio: To learn more, visit our website about your health issues today and bookmark it to share with others!

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Bloodborne Pathogen ,HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, malaria, syphilis.

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