5 Ways to Choose the Right Movie For a Romantic Weekend

So you have the ultimate romantic weekend planned. On the docket for you and your partner may be fine dining and possibly some dancing. But once those activities are complete you may want to just snuggle up and enjoy a great movie, perfect for your romantic liaison. Summer is almost here and with romance in the air, here are some great sources to help you choose the right movie for your adventurous and romance filled getaway.

1. Audience Review

When searching for romantic movies one helpful source are audience reviews. Audience reviews are a great way to gauge how good a film is because it polls a wide range of people. Additionally, the general audience will have no qualms about being honest as they aren\’t getting paid or offered bonuses to give their opinions as say, movie sites do in an effort to attract larger audiences. These types of reviews are generally written in layman\’s terms and are direct. Few of these viewers care about topics that critic reviewers base their opinions on (the nitty gritty camera angles and whatnot) so if you don’t care about those particulars either and just want a straight up review, audience polls are invaluable.

2. Critics Review

Critic reviews are also helpful sources when choosing the right movie for a romantic weekend. Most critics will follow a simple formula based on storyline, plots, character strengths and cinematography. They will also take into account directorial skills and editing/placement of music. Some of these things may matter to you when choosing a movie (if you\’re a self proclaimed movie buff) but more often than not, viewers care less about what the critics are looking for and more about the plot sensibility and ending. Critic reviews are also subjective, and are usually writing reviews for a paycheck which may or may not influence how and what they write, so making a decision based solely on them may not be the best choice, but it is a helpful place to begin.

3. Watching Trailer

Watching trailers is an excellent source when choosing movies. Trailers are great for building anticipation and you get a few minutes of previews prior to renting said film. Movie trailers are also perfect if you want a clue as to what big names (or lack thereof) will be in the film (Brad Pitt anyone?) Since trailers are designed to show the most pivotal moments in the movie, you are able to determine if those love scenes will cut it for you or whether they are too risque for your taste. Additionally, trailers usually are shown prior to the movie being released so it gives the viewer time to plan the perfect date night and perfect movie. Though short, these should give you a clue as to whether you want to see it.

4. Watching Teaser

Movie teasers are also useful but are shorter than trailers and usually don’t give a lot of information, but they are great at letting you know the basic principles of a plot, when the film will debut and what actors will star in the film. Since teasers are costly to produce, you can bet that if a movie has a teaser the producers are betting that it will be a blockbuster hit, or at the very least, will have some big actor names attached to it. Teasers are a great option when choosing the right movie for a romantic weekend if the element of surprise is attractive to you and you don’t want to see all the good parts of the film ahead of time. But they are often released way ahead of time (usually when the movie is still being produced) so keep that in mind if your weekend rendezvous is very near.

5. Ask Friends

Finally, nothing is as trustworthy as word of mouth. Quiz your friends/family about films they have seen and recommend. They can give the thumbs up or down, plus they know you and can assess whether you would enjoy said flick.

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Author Bio: The latest music and film events, movie reviews and lists, TV Show articles and book reviews you find at Pick Hop

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: movies,reviews

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