7 Days to a Calmer Life

Why do we often cheer when Friday nights come around, and why is TGIF such a popular saying?

If you think about it, when Monday comes around again, we’re often stuck with the Monday Blues. Does this mean that Saturdays and Sundays are what keeps us going, and the rest of week is just plain stressful?

It shouldn’t be this way and here’s how you can turn it around and make every day stress less, and be something to look forward to.

Monday – Patience is the key

This is a life lesson that you should try to perfect because it will help you mature in your outlook and the way you treat others. It is also a skill, not a talent or an inherited gene which means you can learn how to be patient. The key is wanting to learn and willing to work at it.

Patience will also help you lower stress levels, because if your attitude begins to shift to a level where you can hold off on getting angry or think before you speak, then you will have less conflicts to deal with.

Tuesday – Minor incidents should not change your mood

No matter how mature you are, or how nice you are to others, minor incidents will happen. If your blood starts to boil or your hearts starts to pound just because someone spilled coffee over your work, or a woman keeps blabbing in the phone, you need to learn to let it go.

Wednesday – Learn to say “No”

People in the office will keep going to you for help if they know that you never turn anyone down. You cannot keep assuming the work of others, or taking up the slack. Practice saying “No” to people who have made it a habit to depend on you when they should be doing the work themselves. It not only lowers the stress level, you are also teaching that person how to be responsible.

Thursday – Read the signs when to get up and go

Many of us don’t know how to end a meeting, an encounter, or a social gathering. We tend to let things drag on until it gets stressful for you. One reason is resentment that you have to hang around, or anxiety because you are going to be late for something else. If everything has been said, if pleasantries and updates are done, then signal closure. As long as it’s done courteously, the other party will not get offended.

Friday – You are who you are

There will always be people who are better than you in everything you say or do, but take comfort in the fact that there will also be others who will be worst off. In the same manner, you cannot be perfect in all that you do. There will be times when what you do is acceptable, but with flaws. Just accept the mistakes, and move on. As long as you did the best you could, then that’s all that matters. Learn from your mistakes and avoid doing it again.

Saturday – Don’t Bring Work Home with You

One of the reasons why we have difficulty handling stress from work is that we bring it home with us. We put too much of our time, energy, and effort to work related matters even when it is time for us to unwind and spend time with the people who are important to us. So try leaving your work at the office this week so that you can truly relax and spend some quality time with your family when you are at home.

Sunday – RELAX!

It may seem obvious, but many of us just don\’t do it. By taking some time to relax, you can calm your mind, recharge your spirit and become more centred. Whether you use the relaxing hypnosis download or just soak in a bubble bath, it\’s important to schedule some time where you just do nothing except relax.

Rachel Ford is a Central Coast Hypnotherapist who specialises in
helping people activate their inner resources for positive change and personal growth.

Visit www.yourmindzone.com for more information on stress management,
hypnotherapy and you can even download a FREE self hypnosis MP3.

Rachel Ford is a Central Coast Hypnotherapist who specialises in helping people activate their inner resources for positive change and personal growth.
Visit http://www.yourmindzone.com for more information on stress management, hypnotherapy and you can even download a FREE self hypnosis MP3.

Author Bio: Rachel Ford is a Central Coast Hypnotherapist who specialises in
helping people activate their inner resources for positive change and personal growth.

Visit www.yourmindzone.com for more information on stress management,
hypnotherapy and you can even download a FREE self hypnosis MP3.

Category: Self Help

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