Advantages to Using Concrete

Anyone who has decided to build a home, renovate a home, or remodel a room will typically tell you that if they could do it again, they would do things very differently. This is due partly to the fact that homeowners do not truly understand what to expect along the way. Without having a professional designer on the team, pulling together all the materials for a cohesive end result is challenging for most inexperienced renovators. Throughout the process, there are usually snags that force the homeowner to go in a direction other than the one they had visualized or had hoped for. For many of these snags and problems, there are reasonable solutions. Many people have turned to concrete products to solve some intense architectural challenges during construction. Concrete is a solution material is its amazing ability to be cast in almost any shape, thickness, color and texture. Solving problems and overcoming challenges is easier when you are working with a material that has few limitations. This comes in handy, for a simple example, when you need to transition from a high to a low floor elevation while matching an existing tile color and texture. The potential for new applications for concrete products are virtually endless. “Most people stop at the thought of a sidewalk and can never envision how beautiful and versatile concrete can be,” says Dave Grech of Trueform Concrete. What makes this material different than all other materials is that it starts out as a liquid and hardens into its final shape. Most other materials are fixed and machined in some way and are therefore have many more restrictions.

The concrete counter top fabrication community has pushed the boundaries of this material and is using concrete for new applications every day. As the design styles and trends change, the concrete community can keep up by evolving finish techniques and casting processes to achieve the desired looks designers and clients are looking for. If it is a traditional, old world, or modern setting, concrete can be cast in a complimentary manner that will perfectly fit the decor. Kitchen island tops are getting larger in size and popularity as the kitchen has become one of the most social spaces in the home. Size is not a problem for this material. If it can fit into the house, it can and will be cast. “Everything in the kitchen seems to be getting bigger. Counter tops and island designs are pushing right past the limitations of natural and engineered stone while concrete is stepping up to meet the design demands of these innovative designers,” says Grech.

Using Concrete for counter tops come in all colors, textures and finishes. Although there are two main ways concrete fabricators are casting concrete; traditional wet casting and GFRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete), each manufacturer’s concrete products will look and perform completely different than the next. How the product is cast, treated post-production, and sealed will dictate the end product and finish. Concrete counter tops are more of an art form rather than a standardized production process and that may be why there is such a draw to the product. Most people want something handmade that has character. There is no shortage of character when it comes to concrete counter tops. Not only can they be made in any shape, thickness, edge and color, but can also have objects cast into it like sinks, drain boards, steel trivets, decorative inlays, and much more. This is all about personalization – concrete counter tops give the client an opportunity to create their counter tops in a way that not only compliments their home, but also their personality.

Leading experts in using concrete in the home as part of modern design and fashion is TrueForm Concrete

Leading experts in using concrete in the home as part of modern design and fashion is TrueForm Concrete

Author Bio: Leading experts in using concrete in the home as part of modern design and fashion is TrueForm Concrete

Category: Advice

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