Ghillie Suits and Ultra-Violet

Surely you have all been doing maintenance on your hunting equipment during this \”off\” season? If not, you better get busy. Of course you keep your gun in good shape, right? What about the rest of your stuff? Time to knock the spiders out of the boots, Check the blind to see if you really stored it properly or do we need a new one this year? The camo is probably okay for another season, but Lord, what\’s that growing in the ghillie suit? Be careful about washing it though. Remember how important everybody told you it was to get one with \”no UV brighteners\”. All of those laundry detergents your wife brings home from Wal-Mart are loaded with \”UV brighteners\” and will leave behind lots of the things that make your \”Sunday-go-to-meetin\” clothes looking nice and shiny. That\’s not good on a ghillie suit. While it\’s true that most of the game out there cannot distinguish your \”hunter\’s orange\” almost all of them can see the UV.

Most birds have markings on them that show up under ultra-violet light and that is how they distinguish one individual from another. Extensive tests have been done on deer that show they only see two colors, one of them being blue all the way up to ultra-blue(violet). This is why your \”hunters orange\” is no problem. To deer and most other animals the orange shows up as a flat gray. That means you can still get blown away by a color-blind hunter even with your Orange showing.

If you bought your ghillie suit from a reputable source, such as , you will have no problem with \”UV brighteners\”. The same applies if you made your own suit with materials obtained from a knowledgable and reputable dealer. How much of a problem the UV stuff is, depends on your attitude toward hunting in general. Some folks throw on a pair of jeans, a tee-shirt and some flip-flops and still bag an occasional animal and are quite happy with that. Other folks want state-of-the-art equipment and take as much pleasure from what these things provide as they do in the hunt itself.

If you are one of those interested in this thing about ultra-violet violence, then you need to add a black-light to your inventory of equipment. A black-light will be useful in revealing anything that might show up to your game and it also has its uses in social settings as well. Any of you that have frequented a bar where they use black-lights will understand that point. Pet owners sometimes use black-lights to reveal otherwise hidden urine stains. This brings up another point. The other color deer see is yellow, so be aware of that fact when you decide to take a leak in your woods. It might be educational to shine the black-light on whatever game you bring home to see if it has markings that show up under ultra-violet light.

Ultra-violet lights have an anti-bacterial property also. You will find them in some public restrooms. Of course we are all familiar with too much exposure to extremely high levels of UV causing skin cancer. That being said, it might be best to leave your tanning bed at home for the next hunt.

James Mizzell is a crotchity \’ol fart staying busy by working on his website: When that doesn\’t work, he hunt\’s for busy people and engages them in idle conversation

James Mizzell is a crotchity \’ol fart staying busy by working on his website: When that doesn\’t work, he hunt\’s for busy people and engages them in idle conversation.

Author Bio: James Mizzell is a crotchity \’ol fart staying busy by working on his website: When that doesn\’t work, he hunt\’s for busy people and engages them in idle conversation

Category: Recreation
Keywords: ghillie_suit, ghillie_suits, hunter_ghillie_suit, paintball_ghillie_suit, kids_ghillie_suit

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