How You Can Protect Yourself From Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens: 4 Points

Microorganisms like bacteria or viruses that can cause infections and that are found in blood and body fluids of humans and diseases are known as bloodborne pathogens. The most noteworthy diseases caused by these pathogens are HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and Hepatitis B and C.

There is a high risk of exposure in the workplaces like hospitals, clinics, housekeeping and laboratories as you deal with blood and body fluids regularly. Although the most common route of transmission is through sexual contact and intravenous drug use, even accidental contact with infected blood and other body fluids can cause spread of the infection.

Exposure to even a small amount of infected body fluid can jeopardize your health. HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C can be fatal and must not be treated lightly. Therefore, you need to have adequate information about bloodborne pathogens, how they spread and what measures must be taken to prevent their exposure and spread. It is also good for you to know how hazardous they are to your health.

Four main points are mentioned below about how you can protect yourself from exposure to bloodborne pathogens:

– Your approach is of great importance. A right approach means following the universal precautions. Universal precautions are measures or procedures that are designed to stop the spread of bloodborne diseases by emphasizing on proper handling of potentially infected blood and body fluids.

– To protect your health from exposure, it is essential that you use protective clothing while dealing with all patients and especially those that pose a higher risk for exposure. Protective clothing includes gloves, aprons, gowns, pocket masks and eye and face shields.

– The disposable gowns and gloves prevent any contact of the infectious blood with your skin or hands.

– Pocket masks are to be used while performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to prevent the possible spread of infection.

– Eye and face shields need to be used, as well, in order to prevent exposure of infectious substances into the mucous membranes via the mouth, eyes or nose.

– Decontamination of all the work areas is important. There are various steps to properly sanitize and decontaminate infected areas. The best disinfectant solution is to use one part bleach to ten of water. Adequate procedures must be carried out during disposal of blood and other body fluids.

– Vaccines preserve your health by keeping you from being infected. There is an effective Hepatitis B vaccine available. All workers who have a high chance of getting exposed to infectious pathogens are given this vaccine free of cost. If you don’t accept this vaccine but must state your reasons for doing so. These are regulations as per The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. The Hepatitis B vaccine includes a total of three injections. Unfortunately, till date there is no effective HIV vaccine.

As mentioned earlier, exposure to contaminated blood can be fatal. When you work in hospitals and clinics as a healthcare worker, your health is always at risk. Hence, it is your duty to be careful and take all the precautionary measures to protect yourself.

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To learn more, visit our website about your health issues today and bookmark it to share with others!

Author Bio: To learn more, visit our website about your health issues today and bookmark it to share with others!

Category: Advice
Keywords: your health, bloodborne pathogens

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