Practical Information on Rhinoplasty Every Patient Should Know

It is one of the most famous cosmetic surgeries both inside and outside Hollywood, but do we ever know enough about rhinoplasty? If you are thinking about getting one done, it pays to know all the critical details.

In that way, you can prepare yourself better during consultations, for the procedure itself, during the healing process, and in the event that something unexpected happens.

When you are contemplating on getting your nose enhanced, it is essential that you recognize the importance of choosing a very good surgeon. The visibility of your nose being prominently on the middle of your face makes any substandard work so obvious, or a good one improve your profile.

The surgeon works on your nose in three dimensions, and any minor alterations in the structure will make a significant change. That is why it requires the skills, the aesthetic judgement, and expertise of the rhinoplasty surgeon. He must know how to manipulate the bones, the cartilage and the skin to suite the patient perfectly well.

If you want a safe and successful surgical treatment, you must be particular when it comes to the training and experience of the surgeon. You just don’t approach any cosmetic surgeon to perform the procedure. Not everyone has the expertise or the extensive amount of practice specifically in rhinoplasty.

You must see to it that your surgeon has received training particularly on the head and neck areas. They are referred to as otolaryngologists. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASPS) states that the average number of rhinoplasty cases that a board certified cosmetic surgeon has is twelve in a year. Whereas, someone who specializes on the practice should have more than 75 sessions in a year; so take note of this when you go for a consult.

The surgical process in rhinoplasty requires a number of incisions that will allow the surgeon to lift the nasal skin. In that way he can better work on the internal nasal structures (e.g. cartilage, bone) with better visualization and ease. In some cases the bones may have to be broken and the cartilage shaved to achieve the desired length and shape.

After the surgery, the nose continues to change and improve over time. That is why you should also remember that even up to a year; the results still wouldn’t be final yet.

A successful outcome is when the nose takes on a symmetrical appearance, and it balances your face better.

Aside from the skills of the surgeon, there are also other factors that can affect the result of the rhinoplasty. In some cases, the way that your body heal can make it come out negatively. There is a good chance that internal scarring occurs creating an airway obstruction.

Another problem is when the cartilage and the bones have been overly altered that it places it at risk for collapse. This affects both appearance and function of the nose.

Minor scars may not significantly affect the nose, but a small revision can be done if you want to remove this. But it is expected that there will be a 5-50% risk for a revision work with rhinoplasty. So don’t ever be swayed into deciding on a surgeon who claims that he has not done any touch ups or corrective surgery with his previous works.

A primary rhinoplasty, which means your first time, would usually run for $8000-$9000 in Australia. This is relatively cheaper compared to a secondary procedure or a revision work. A corrective nose surgery Melbourne or Sydney would often amount to $10000 on average.

So you have to be very careful and well prepared before you jump right into any decision.

There may be no perfect outcome, but this does not mean that you can protect yourself from purely substandard service. So be on the lookout for that and give more value for your money.

For low average rhinoplasty cost in Sydney or Melbourne, Advance Beauty Cosmetic Surgery is one of the places that you can trust. You will be under the watchful eye and skilled hands of the renowned Dr. Andrew Kim. For more information regarding their free consultations you can visit

Forlow average nose job cost in Sydney or Melbourne, Advance Beauty Cosmetic Surgery is one of the places that you can trust. You will be under the watchful eye and skilled hands of the renowned Dr. Andrew Kim.

Author Bio: For low average rhinoplasty cost in Sydney or Melbourne, Advance Beauty Cosmetic Surgery is one of the places that you can trust. You will be under the watchful eye and skilled hands of the renowned Dr. Andrew Kim. For more information regarding their free consultations you can visit

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: rhinoplasty information,nose job articles,nose surgery

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