Stop Going Home Disappointed! Attention Women: Better Relationships, Successful Careers and More Respect Can All Be Yours!

Women are nurturers for children, men and all creatures and plants on the planet and we keep the world in balance through our deep connection to the Earth. So why is it that we too often don’t get enough in return? We struggle to find relationships that fulfill us, have a harder time getting ahead in business than men and don’t get the respect we deserve.

Our society has told us women have to be more like men to get what we want out of life; tougher, less emotional, more assertive, etc. We actually must do the opposite. We must be more like the women of previous generations! Our fast-changing times have left many social traditions behind, traditions that taught women how to be present themselves, to be noticed and get respect. It’s time for women to return to embracing the art of social graces.

Social graces bring out the real beauty that shines within us. They come from the heart and enable us to maximize effectiveness in social and business interactions. Intellect and education alone is not enough in this competitive world to stand out and be noticed. Our entire life is about relationships and the many opportunities they bring our way. It isn’t hard to learn the timeless basics of social graces, which teach us how to be graceful, happy, healthy, sexy and confident. It takes practice to perfect them, but it’s easy to get started.

The first step is to determine your goals. What do you really want? To a better wife, mother, business woman, or lover? Spiritual growth? Sexual spirituality? All of the above? You goals must be your own, not what others think you should achieve.

If you are a mother, please consider this as you reflect on your goals. One thing the women’s movement did was sweep mothers into the job market, leaving the job of raising a family to “no one.” As mothers, our first responsibility is to raise healthy, balanced children and manage/create a happy family. I believe to be a good mother and role model, we should be educated and have work experience but raising children is a full time job for at least fourteen years of a child’s life.

Ladies, find your passion and think about it as often as you can. When you determine your goals, your creative mind starts to attract what you desire. Great achievers focus on their goals and never turn away from them. Successful ladies do the same.

Once you establish your goals, determine your priorities. Your top priorities should be the goals that will benefit your overall success, such as finishing college, getting a promotion, overcoming cancer, becoming feminine, getting fit, etc. Once you establish priorities, you can begin to develop the personality, ability, skills, and determination to reach your goals.

Regardless of what your goals are, making a strong first impression is a key skill you must develop since strong relationships are keys to success. It only takes 3 seconds for people to decide how to treat you based on what they see. It’s not always fair, but we all do it.

Here are the first things people notice about you:

Attire: The way we are put together tells people how we feel about ourselves and how we want to be treated. Good hygiene, neatness, cleanliness and a healthy body draw positive reactions because they show you care and respect yourself.

Carriage: Your posture reveals your level of self-confidence and your attitude shows in how you stand and move. A person with straight posture is perceived as more intelligent, strong and confident than others. People can tell if you are hostile, friendly, shy, etc.

Facial Expression: Are your expressions sending the right message? A slight smile shows you are confident, friendly and approachable.

Voice: How often have you seen a physically beautiful person open her or his mouth and become comical or ugly? The sound of your voice and how you say things can make you seem either smart or dumb.

Style: The way you define your style is by your attire, carriage, fashion statement and character. Your style lets others know how you want to be treated.

Focusing on your goals, priorities and first impressions will get you started on your path to social graces. A women who masters social graces is always seen in the best possible light and achieves better relationships, successful careers, and more respect. Social graces are a lifetime study about personal growth and balance.

Grace Lee, international business / etiquette consultant and certified finishing school instructor, offers step-by-step guides to master the art of social graces. Visit for a free monthly newsletter, to order a workbook for ladies, view instructional videos and more.

Grace Lee, international business / etiquette consultant and certified finishing school instructor, offers step-by-step guides to master the art of social graces. Visit for a free monthly newsletter, to order a workbook for ladies, view instructional videos and more.

Author Bio: Grace Lee, international business / etiquette consultant and certified finishing school instructor, offers step-by-step guides to master the art of social graces. Visit for a free monthly newsletter, to order a workbook for ladies, view instructional videos and more.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: Grace Lee, women\\\’s issues, relationships, etiquette, social graces, manners, business etiquette

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