The Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit To Your Digestive Health

If you have seen this brown and hairy fruit while grocery shopping, you might be surprised to know that it is actually packed with full potential that can significantly improve your health. Aside from the fact that Kiwi fruits contain more vitamin C than oranges, or that it promotes cardiovascular health, it also contains nutrients that keeps your digestive system in the best condition.

We may not be fully aware of this since the process it makes is largely concealed within our body, but digestive health can really affect your total body functions. That is why you need to keep a healthy digestive system if you want to ensure that you are properly digesting and absorbing nutrients.

And this is where the benefits of a Kiwi fruit to out digestive tract comes into the picture, and these includes:

Prevention of colon cancer

You can get this particular benefit from the skin of the Kiwi fruit. The high fibre content of this fruit allows it to pass through the digestive system much faster, while at the same time “sweeping” or cleansing it along the way. This frees the colon from the toxic materials preventing the chance of colon cancer.

Relief from constipation

In a study conducted by the Chinese on 33 patients who were chronically constipated and was given two kiwi fruits a day, showed an improvement in spontaneous bowel movement. It improves the ease in defecating and can even prevent the need to take laxatives.

In another test done, 38 elderly people who have difficulty passing out stools due to poor muscle strength and laxity were given 2 kiwi fruits a day. The results showed better bulk in stools and they are softer making it easy defecate. Frequent stool production was also noticed, thus cleansing the colon better as it improves the ability to pass out waste material from the body.

Improvement in protein digestion

Protein is important since it is significant in cell building and regeneration once they are broken down into amino acids. A study conducted back in 2010 even showed that Kiwi fruit can actually digest better common food proteins such as beef muscle protein, soy protein and milk protein.

The reason for this is because kiwis contain a proteolytic enzyme, the one responsible for breaking down to amino acids.

If the ability of your body to break down protein is impaired it can cause a build-up of toxins in your large intestine. This can result to a number of problems such as indigestion, bloating, gas problems, bad breath and even cancer.

Maintenance of the healthy amount of good bacteria in the intestines

Did you know that Kiwi fruits actually contain the healthiest amount of prebiotics? Prebiotics is beneficial for the digestive tract because it promotes the growth of good bacteria which overtakes the proliferation of the bad ones. As a result, your intestine is protected from infection and other digestive problems.

So the next time you see a Kiwi when grocery shopping, why not include this in your basket, or better yet take digestive supplements which contains this fruit. Xtendlife’s Kiwi-Klenz is one product in the market today which offers a variety of digestive benefits to keep you healthy and functioning optimally.

Find out now the benefits of digestive enzymes supplements so that you can benefit immediately from excellent digestive health. Jonathan Tan is a nurse-journalist who write reviews about the best food supplement for you and your family. You can check more of his reviews at

Find out now the benefits of digestive enzymes supplements, so that you can have excellent digestive health. Jonathan Tan is a nurse-journalist who reviews about the best multivitamin for you and your family. You can check more of his reviews at

Author Bio: Find out now the benefits of digestive enzymes supplements so that you can benefit immediately from excellent digestive health. Jonathan Tan is a nurse-journalist who write reviews about the best food supplement for you and your family. You can check more of his reviews at

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: digestive enzymes supplements,digestive health,digestive supplements,food supplement reviews

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