The Culling of Seals Must be Stopped

It is much to the chagrin of millions of people around the world that seal culling still exists when so many seal populations are in danger of extinction. In Canada, more than one million seals have been murdered in less than three years. Why is this barbaric sport still allowed? People around the world are in an uproar with the lives of seals so uncertain. There are enough natural causes of seal deaths without adding mankind to the likes of it. Many people will be sending petitions to try to get countries that still allow culling of seals to stop.

Natural Causes of Seal Deaths

Besides culling, which is killing hundreds of thousands every year, many seals face an uncertain future because of the diminishing habitat. With temperatures rising in Polar Regions, ice is beginning to melt. This is taking away much of the seals natural habitat. It is also believed many more natural predators are moving into the cold regions since temperatures are rising.

Many seals die at the hands of sharks and killer whales. Both of these species populations are on the rise in many seal populations. This means more seals are being killed every year yet they are producing fewer offspring. This means there is a dramatic decline that can be expected in seal populations.

Man Made Causes of Seal Deaths

Besides the inhuman culling of seals in some countries, fishermen are also to blame for many seal fatalities. Fishermen will often catch and kill seals that are near their fishing grounds. Fishermen believe seals are to blame for the deterioration of fish they catch. Another cause is the nets that fishermen use. Nets cause the deaths of thousands of seals every year. They are caught in the nets and cannot escape. They end up drowning.

Preventing Deaths of Seals

With so many natural causes, we need to stop all other seal deaths that we can. Many deaths can be avoided by making culling illegal. Hundreds of thousands of seals would live if culling around the world was to stop. Fishermen need to realize that a seal doesn’t eat that much and is not to blame for low numbers of fish. This is probably more a manmade problem from overfishing. Fishermen should not be allowed to kill seals for any reason. Special nets need to be used to prevent the drowning deaths of seals. With a little education the seal populations can be helped.

What You Can Do

You may feel helpless when you think about how seals are being destroyed. There are many petitions set up that you can sign urging governments to step in and stop culling. These petitions do work. Other governments can ban products coming from these countries until they stop the unnecessary killing of seals. Write to your government and let them know your feelings about the killing of seals by culling and fishermen. Sign petitions that are designed to save seals. Every person needs to step up if they want to help save seals. With so many natural causes that can’t be helped you need to do whatever possible to save those you can.

Help to stop the culling of seals by visiting the Scottish Seal Sanctuary in Oban which has an amazing variety of animals from otters and sharks, to a full seal rescue facility and hospital.

Help to stop the culling of seals by visiting the Scottish Seal Sanctuary in Oban which has an amazing variety of animals from otters and sharks, to a full seal rescue facility and hospital.

Author Bio: Help to stop the culling of seals by visiting the Scottish Seal Sanctuary in Oban which has an amazing variety of animals from otters and sharks, to a full seal rescue facility and hospital.

Category: Society
Keywords: seal deaths, seal culling, seal culling still, kill seals, seal populations

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