The Good GOD Versus the Evil Devil: Part 4. God’s Warnings About Satan’s Channeling


Thirty-three hundred years ago, and even hundreds of years earlier than the Exodus from Egypt, God was warning the ancient Israelites about the abominations of sorcery and witchcraft. His warning was also meant for us when He foresaw that the Devil’s Channeling would become the ancient spiritism, divination, and medium-ship of our modern world. When you Channel, you believe that you are receiving spiritual messages from the wisest of masters in the spirit world – like Jesus and Archangel Michael. However you are actually being duped by the Devil whose powers are enormously underestimated, if you accept the premise that God has allowed the Devil life on earth. This interview was conducted through imaginary telepathic communication between Jerry’s soul inside his physical body and the bodiless soul of Methuselah in the spirit world. Marcia’s soul in Heaven also joined us for the interview.

God Plans Thousands of Years In Advance:

When God created the universe at the time of the big bang, He knew fourteen billion years in advance that an Albert Einstein or Peter Higgs would come along and explain it? Similarly God knew that our human being species, Homo sapiens sapiens, some fifty thousand years ago would have evil tendencies because of the free will He granted to humans that permitted them to choose between good and evil. God also realized that there would be a time when He would release Satan the Devil from his prison to tempt and mislead us as we approached the End of Days.

Methuselah Interview:

Methuselah: Jerry, what about idol worship and the ancient Jews?

Jerry: In early biblical days, idols were worshiped even though everyone had heard the stories of a Supreme God, the Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, the Tower of Babel, Sodom, and the miracles of the Exodus from Egypt. It took hundreds of years for the ancient Israelites and their descendants, the Jewish people, to stop worshiping idols.

Marcia: God knew that idol worship would lead mankind down an evil path in ancient times, just as it is doing now.

Methuselah: Is God is fed up with the human race and is He purposely letting humanity destroy itself?

Jerry: Perhaps, Methuselah. However God’s fail-safe plan for humanity continues whether we believe in Him or not. His watch of our world prevents our destruction, and His plan is that we proceed from this imperfect world to the more perfect world of the second Garden of Eden in the future Messianic Age.

Methuselah: Well then! What’s going on in our world between good and evil?

Marcia: The real battle is not visible to we mortals. It’s invisible and is a clash between God Who is all good and Satan who is all evil. They are the ones setting up the greatest battle ever recorded in human history behind the scenes. We are not privy to the upcoming battle but it seems near.

Methuselah: Fascinating. Did Channeling originate with the Devil or with God in reference to Part 3 of our previous interview?

Jerry: Well it wasn’t called Channeling back in biblical times but God’s prophets were the first ones to serve as a “Channel” for God’s words to the Jewish people.

Marcia: The prophets spoke the word of God and all prophecies at the time came true.

Methuselah: Don’t people naturally desire to know the future?

Jerry: Quite true because each soul is a piece of God and God places what I call a curiosity gene in each person’s soul. That’s why people want to know where they came from, what they are doing here or their purpose in life, and where they are going after this life when they die. People also want to naturally know about God and even the atheists focus much of their time wondering about God. In Egypt, the Holy Land with the Canaanite nations, and in Mesopotamia, this knowledge was acquired through augury or enchantment, sorcery and evil wizards who used magic and drugs, and witchcraft and charmers with evil potions accompanied by curses and spells. The Pharaoh actually thought Moses was using some of this magic to carry out the ten plagues because the Pharaoh’s magicians could duplicate the first two but not the next eight plagues during the Exodus. These idol worshipers saw no harm in having young children walk through fire and be sacrificed to the flames.

Marcia: Ghosts or apparitions are almost absent in the Old Testament. However, there was necromancy where evil doers claimed to contact the dead. Communication with the dead often involved a human skull. The sorcerer practiced divination by acting as a ventriloquist so that it seemed that the dead person was speaking from the grave. These familiar spirits or demons consulted ghosts and spirits. The practitioner of Ov placed a dead corpse under his armpit while a practitioner of Yid’oni put a bone from an animal called Yadua into his mouth to predict the future.

Methuselah: And why was this an abomination to God? I thought He allowed free will.

Jerry: Yes true but not when those conveying messages were directly opposite to the messages that God wanted to convey through His prophets. These evil rites are the antithesis to what God envisaged for humankind through following His Ten Commandments and maintaining faith and a covenant with Him. The modern day version of this evil is the Devil’s Channeling because all the entities people are consulting like masters, guides and angels were never condoned by God. They are false prophets spewing messages of spirituality and other nonsense. Why would you need to consult these entities if you have God? Perhaps the problem is that God is no longer on our public stage as He was in biblical days, or perhaps God has not yet unleashed the full throttle of His Divine omnipotence. In the meantime the Devil is masterfully pulling people away from God, even believers. And in the process, people are allowing health-damaging evil energy into their bodies through the implantation of the Devil’s thoughts even when they are Channeling in a conscious or semi-conscious state. Channeling is an illusion created by the Devil. God considered it an abomination and sternly warned against it in biblical times.

Marcia: You can read this for yourself if you go to the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. See Deuteronomy 18:9-14; 2 Kings 21:6; Chronicles 33:6; Leviticus 19:26, 31; Leviticus 20:6, 27. When you attach yourself to evil, it sticks. It’s much easier to get something to adhere to a surface than to remove it. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we should trust entities over God. The entities become idols that you hero worship when you Channel. The rub is that the Devil owns and is these entities. If you are not careful, the Devil will soon own your soul. You’ve been tempted and you’ve bitten into the forbidden fruit, like Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Devil is responsible for all temptation even in your dreams and he preys on you through your ego.

Methuselah: In a way it’s like a sin. When you commit a sin once or twice you rationalize it by saying, “What’s the harm?” The second time the sinning gets just a little bit easier. By the third time you might not even make up an excuse. Soon the sins become a habit and you can’t stop. You may fear God but if you keep sinning, you stand the chance of becoming anti-God. If you Channel, you can ask, “What do I need God for?” I’m getting all the spiritual information that I need from my master spirits.

Jerry: There are four other important points to be made about the dangers of Channeling. The belief is that your energy is displaced to make room for the energy of the entity that is entering your body. This dark energy in the form of the Devil’s thoughts is changing the percentage of your Light Divine soul energy that keeps your body alive. Chronic illness can result as a result of Channeling and you can die when your Divine soul energy, mixed with the Devil’s dark energy, drops below 18 percent. My second point is that people claim to contact angelic entities. God created the angels, so you need permission from Him to do this. Again you are making false contacts. A third point would be that you have no way to verify what you interpret in the messages from these entities. Finally the fourth point is that these entities provide false information which you believe to be true. According to Michael Newton, when you die and your soul returns to the spirit world, it undergoes rejuvenation and purification from the damage of its recent body. True Divine souls don’t lie and you can measure your soul energy to distinguish truth from lying.

Marcia: There has been a quiet revolution going on and the field is burgeoning with so many people now falsely channeling in our modern world. In time, everyone will learn to channel and we will no longer need a psychic or medium to make contact with the spirit world.

Methuselah: Then what you two are saying is that all of this Channeling can be attributed to the Devil. People are being duped and are not contacting masters, guides, angels, Jesus, or the Archangel Michael. They are actually conversing with the Devil. Is the Devil that powerful? I think I asked you this in our last interview.

Jerry: Yes, he is exceptionally powerful and he is alive. In thinking about your question, I believe now that the Devil is selectively all knowing about our dark side since God designated him with the dark energy particles that either influence or become our evil inclination. God is aware of both our good and bad tendencies and is truly all knowing. The evil inclination is located in our left brain and through the Devil’s influence makes our Animal soul choose bad over good. We spoke about this in the Part 2 interview. The Devil must also be able to communicate simultaneously with so many individuals who are Channeling on the planet. Some angels may have this ability and the Devil still has angelic powers that God left him with when he was booted out of Heaven at the time of Adam and Eve.

Methuselah: Another enlightening interview, Jerry. You do realize that you will relentlessly be challenged for your ideas. You will have destroyed people’s joy and egos and tempers will flare.

Jerry: Everybody has free will and people can choose to believe me or ignore me and call me a crackpot. I’m actually doing them a favor by getting them to return to God and help avoid health problems. I would recommend being extremely cautious. The Devil might one day own their soul if he is able to entice them the way he persuaded Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Marcia: I support Jerry one-hundred percent. When I met him he was wishy-washy, but no more. He is standing tall no matter if he is standing alone. Let’s end on my note of confidence and love for my husband. Bye, Methuselah. Bye, my darling.

Jerry: Bye Marcia my darling and soul mate for all eternity. Bye, Methuselah.

Methuselah: I’ll see you for the next session. This session may be imaginary but you do recall that we spoke when you visited Marcia’s soul in the spirit world? It’s in your new book.

Jerry: I had forgotten about our meeting in the spirit world during my past life regression. Thanks for reminding me.

Note from Jerry:

Methuselah’s words are a creation of Jerry’s mind. Jerry has never contacted Methuselah’s soul in the spirit world but has continuous live contact with Marcia’s soul through direct thought- energy telepathy traveling at one million times faster than the speed of light.

As a professor for thirty years, I published seventy-five scientific articles including seven patents. I also published four fiction and nonfiction books. See my website In April 2012 I and my wife Marcia coauthored a unique book, Putting God Into Einstein\’s Equations: Energy of the Soul. Marcia\’s soul suggested and confirmed from the spirit world. Our souls communicated by thought-energy telepathy.

As a professor for thirty years, I published seventy-five scientific articles including seven patents. I also published four fiction and nonfiction books. See my website In April 2012 I and my wife Marcia coauthored a unique book,Putting God Into Einstein\’s Equations.

Author Bio: As a professor for thirty years, I published seventy-five scientific articles including seven patents. I also published four fiction and nonfiction books. See my website In April 2012 I and my wife Marcia coauthored a unique book, Putting God Into Einstein\’s Equations: Energy of the Soul. Marcia\’s soul suggested and confirmed from the spirit world. Our souls communicated by thought-energy telepathy.

Category: Society

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