What Are the Possible Side Effects of Hair Transplant Surgery?

What are the Possible Side Effects of Hair Transplant Surgery?

We all know too well all the benefits that a hair transplant can provide us with. But if you are a wise consumer, you must also look at the possible side effects that could happen and know what you can to prevent or lessen the chances of it from happening.

Shock Loss

A few weeks after a hair transplant procedure, it may come as a shocker to some who are not aware when they start to lose their hair yet again. This does not mean that you got short-changed with your expensive hair transplant procedure. In fact this is a normal occurrence in which your transplanted grafts makes way for new and stronger hair to grow. In a matter of weeks you will soon notice the hair growth starting to take place.

During this stage, it is important that you maintain good care of your scalp in order to make it a healthy place for your new hair to thrive. Use a mild shampoo to clean the area, and keep you well nourished.

Graft Compression

This is when the grafts create a tufted appearance as the surrounding skin squeeze in a larger graft (a group/unit of hairs) as the area heals. This is often observed in the Follicular Unit Extraction method when two or more hairs are placed into a recipient site resulting to visible compression later on. Therefore, it is important that a hair surgeon is able to determine how to customize the site to make it more suitable for the follicular units to be transplanted in.

During a consult, discuss what techniques the surgeon will be using and make sure to ask what measures he would take to prevent any graft compression.

Poor Wound Healing

One of the reasons that could result to a bad hair transplant is poor wound healing. This can be brought by a number of factors, one being poor nutrition. When you don’t nourish your body well, it also affects the healing capabilities of your skin.

Another causative factor that results to poor wound healing is smoking, so for all habitual smokers, keep those nicotine laden sticks at bay for at least 4 months prior to surgery. And even continue it after the surgery to ensure that you are healing properly. The reason why it causes so much trouble is that smoking can cause your blood vessels to constrict impeding good circulation to your scalp. Poor circulation can lead to low oxygenation which leads to a slowed healing process. In addition to that, smoking can also cause low quality hair growth.


Poor wound healing also results to another hair transplant side effect, which is bleeding. Since the process of surgical restoration of hair requires minute incisions to longer one running the length of your head, bleeding can be highly likely if you are not careful. Again poor nutrition and smoking can be attributed to this, but also improper handling or after care of the surgical site can result to bleeding.

For hair implantation in Singapore, you can rely on the expertise of Dr. Tyng Tan available at The Hair and Laser Clinic. With only the finest techniques to give you the best yield in your transplanted grafts, they make every dollar you pay all worth it. Feel free to add +Dr Tyng Tan to receive latest news concerning hair care procedures.

For hair implantation in Singapore (http://www.hairandlaserclinic.com), you can rely on the expertise of Dr. Tyng Tan available at The Hair and Laser Clinic. With only the finest techniques to give you the best yield in your transplanted grafts, they make every dollar you pay all worth it.

Author Bio: For hair implantation in Singapore, you can rely on the expertise of Dr. Tyng Tan available at The Hair and Laser Clinic. With only the finest techniques to give you the best yield in your transplanted grafts, they make every dollar you pay all worth it. Feel free to add +Dr Tyng Tan to receive latest news concerning hair care procedures.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hair transplant side effects,hair restoration side effects,hair transplantation risks,guide,tip

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