What is InsideOut Empowerment™ and What Can it Do For Me?

InsideOut Empowerment™ is a revolutionary process designed to free your mind, open your heart and transform your life. It takes you on a journey from where you are now to emotional freedom, inner peace, strength and happiness. Do you have hopes, goals and dreams you keep striving for but never reach? Freeing your mind of self-sabotage is the answer. Do you have relationships with others that aren’t going the way you want, whether it’s at home, at work or in your community? Opening your heart is the answer. Do you feel like you are at the mercy of circumstances beyond your control, the past, other people, current circumstances, your character, or your emotions? Then it’s time to transform your life!

People have said these principles of InsideOut Empowerment™ all make sense but are so hard to apply. Do you remember learning any new skill that required a lot of perseverance and practice? Well, it’s no different for InsideOut Empowerment. I’m not telling you it’s easy in the beginning. In fact, you may want a coach to help you stay on the path but once you have been applying the concepts in your life over time, it becomes second nature. You may read these principles of InsideOut Empowerment™ and say, “I already know that.” Most of what I’m about to share is commonsense, I admit. However, it is commonsense that isn’t common. This is why I’m famous for saying, “Knowledge is NOT power, contrary to popular belief. Knowledge doesn’t become power until it’s applied.” Don’t you know many people who have tons of knowledge but until they use it, actually apply it in their lives, there is no power in information only? I am about to give you the step-by-step process for applying this information in your lives so you too can free your mind, open your heart and transform your life.

Here is what you need to know to get started:

The only person’s behavior you can control is your own.

Whatever happens in the outside world has no meaning other than the meaning you give it.

Every behavior you choose, including your feelings, is designed to get you something you want.

What you want is based on what feels good to you (increasing pleasure or avoiding pain).

When you find yourself unhappy about the conditions of your life, you should first clarify specifically what you want rather than focusing on what you want to avoid.

Much of our health, both physical and emotional, is strongly affected by our actions and our thoughts, both of which we have the power to change.

People often see their choices as either/or choices, creating imagined dilemmas and forced choices.

People do not change until the pain of staying the same exceeds their fear of change.

People are frequently sabotaging themselves with thinking that is outside of their conscious awareness that was likely installed at a very young age, before they were able to discriminate between truth and lies.

You are not a victim of anything-not your emotions, your past, other people, circumstances, or your character.

One of the keys to being successful is to create a plan that is challenging, yet definitely doable for you. Your ideal pace will be different from someone else’s. It should be a stretch to accomplish so you don’t get bored, yet doable so you don’t get frustrated. It helps to have a mastermind group to support you. We have a free one at http://www.therelationshipcenter.biz/calendar/insideout-mastermind-group/ and it’s ideal to have a mentor or coach along the way that has already done what you are attempting to do. You want someone who will support you through the challenging times, hold you accountable when you slow down or become discouraged, and who will inspire you to keep moving toward your dreams.

If you would like the full 15-page special report on InsideOut Empowerment™ , just go to www.facebook.com/AcademyofChoice and “like” our page. The special report is being sent out to all our Facebook fans on June 1st.

Kim Olver, helps people get along better with the important people in their lives, including themselves, at home and at work. She is the award winning author of Secrets of Happy Couples: Loving Yourself, Your Partner, and Your Life,

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