When Should You Change Your Breast Implants?

If you have read the latest gossip news, you might have heard about the latest publicity that Kardashian matriarch, Kris Jenner, did. She had the cameras and crew follow her into her latest breast implant surgery. For us regular people, we could say that this is just too much information for TV.

But the mother of six defends herself saying that this is a call to all women out there to be more proactive in keeping their bodies safe.

Breast implants are not indestructible materials, which are why they have to be replaced at some point in time. A lot of you may be asking when the right time would be to have it removed and replaced.

When it comes to this matter, different surgeons would give you varying answers. But this should not lead you to be confused because they base this on the time where you had your implants placed. If you had them around that era where stronger implant shells were not yet manufactured then you really do need to have it checked or replaced.

The FDA even made a statement that breast implants are not lifetime devices, therefore a woman who had it is highly likely to undergo re-operation with or without implant replacement. Implants just like any other are subject to wear and tear.

Implants really do need to be constantly checked and immediately replaced should any signs of leakage or rupture is detected. Any problem in the integrity of the implant can cause certain health risks especially if it is detected sooner.

It is not as much of a problem for those who have saline implants because any leakage would immediately show in a change in the breast size and form. Large studies even claim that saline implants have a deflation rate of about 1% every year. If this rate remains constant, over a decade one can surely experience significant deflation. And the problem with implants that are not adequately inflated is that they are more at risk for shell-fold failure.

Ladies who have this problem should have these checked with their surgeon, so that proper steps can be taken. You might need to have it removed and replaced.

For implants filled with liquid silicone, radiologic procedures such as an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) may have to be done to properly detect any compromise in any part of the implant. In these unfortunate cases, the implants would have to be removed immediately before your body is exposed to the leaked fluid much longer.

Surgeons suggest that anyone with breast implants should have themselves undergo MRI scans every 2 years.

The same should also be done for cohesive gel implants. Although the kind of damage is not as much as with the liquid counterpart, but they still have the same rupture rate. This is because the shells are still made out of the same materials.

The need to have breast implants replaced really depends on what condition they are in based on the latest evaluation. They don’t necessarily have to be removed after ten years as what some say. Surgeons say that this only place patients in unnecessary invasive procedures which only expose them to bigger risks later on.

Yes, they have to be taken out but only when the need arises. With the kind of durability that implants have nowadays, re-operation for faulty implants are less likely. Also insurance companies don’t cover re-operations even if the primary procedure was covered.

Breast implant surgery could make you a whole new person, both physically and emotionally. Thus, it is important that you consult a surgeon who is expert on such field at Esteem Cosmetic Studio. Avail breast augmentation weekly payment plan in Brisbane and Canberra by clicking here

Breast implant surgery could make you a whole new person, both physically and emotionally. Thus, it is important that you consult a surgeon who is expert on such field. Dr. Masroor Alam is a certified cosmetic surgeon who specializes in breast surgery. http://www.esteemstudio.com.au/t7breastaug.php

Author Bio: Breast implant surgery could make you a whole new person, both physically and emotionally. Thus, it is important that you consult a surgeon who is expert on such field at Esteem Cosmetic Studio. Avail breast augmentation weekly payment plan in Brisbane and Canberra by clicking here

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: breast augmentation tips, breast augmentation removal, breast implant replacement, cosmetic surgery

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