Why I’m Happy to Advertise on Alan Jones 2GB Radio Show by Jamie McIntyre

Also published on: http://www.21stCenturyNews.com.au

Jamie McIntyre writes about why he would not mind advertising on Alan Jones 2GB radio show and why Australians must take a stand against cyber bullying, which is clearly now out of control and politically motivated.

In my recent book on ” Lessons the World can learn from Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook”( soon to be given away at http://www.21stcenturynews.com.au briefly before it goes on sale),it is revealed that Mark Zuckerberg’s aim, vision and social mission for Facebook was to create a more openly connected world that enabled greater sharing of ideas. Its purpose was to give the power back to every individual so that they can have a voice. It was not meant to be concentrated in the hands of a few large media companies or select Governments lobbyists.

I don’t think he envisioned social media being used by the internet trolls and cyber bullies who openly and publicly attack Alan Jones by posting thousands of vicious comments and threats such as:

“Let’s maintain the rage”

“If not maybe destroy the joint”

“The final push for the week destroyers! Here is today’s list- much reduced, only two new ones. At the top are the companies who said they have pulled out but were on this morning- this could be for many reasons but we need to focus on them first. Plus live nation is a big one that needs attention so go get them Destroyers!”

These charming comments come from those who have apparently discovered the new social media power. It certainly is not within the spirit of what Mark Zuckerberg had hoped for the power of social media.

Randi Zuckerberg, Mark’s sister and former head of Facebook marketing who I hosted last month in Brisbane at the Financial Education Summit also said:

To paraphrase

If we have a Facebook or twitter account then as individuals we are effectively media companies and thus must be responsible for what we say and do on social media.

Her words are true and accurate, but these power hungry internet trolls and cyber bullies are definitely not ready for any level of responsibility that entails the spirit:

“I shall create not destroy”

Not a lot of responsibility is projected from the Internet haters and cyber bullies who are attacking Alan Jones for something he said in a closed door private function and not on radio or public. On the other hand, cyber-attacks are publicly bile, vicious and offensive. Moreover, unlike Alan Jones they are not apologising for their slander.

Undeniably Alan Jones’ was wrong to pass those comments and I am sure everyone agrees it was in poor taste.

Even though Julia Gillard has said many political lies that people may have forgotten, bringing her late father into this was highly disrespectful.

Nevertheless, I am glad that Jones apologised and rightfully so.

However, I wonder how the cyber bullies and Internet trolls would react if Jones didn’t bother to apologise, especially considering their heinous attack despite the fact that he publicly displayed repentance for his words.

Are the trolls just a step away from burning down the stores of advertisers to vent their anger?

Perhaps the reason why many individuals don’t have power in the society is because they abuse it at every chance they get- as evidenced in this case. Ironically, internet trolls and cyber bullies are behaving far worse than Alan Jones’ did because his inappropriate remarks were made in a private function.

It also brings to light the management of some companies that drop their advertising plans because of the pressure caused by the threatening e mails from these petty trolls and cyber bullies.

It is not worth supporting companies that project lack of courage by trying to keep everyone happy or drop advertising just to get some free publicity.

Shouldn’t we support companies that have the mettle to declare that even though they don’t agree with Jones’ comments, but because of his apology they won’t change their advertising plans and certainly not let online threats damage their business?

Personally I’ve never advertised on the Alan Jones radio show but since it has been brought to so much attention by the internet trolls and cyber bullies, I have decided to book some ads on upcoming shows.

So perhaps the cyber bullies don’t actually have as much power as they think they do, unless we just count the weak minded who are vulnerable to meaningless threats.

The internet trolls and cyber bullies are welcome to waste their time attacking me anytime. Unlike many, I’m not in business to simply make a profit but to take a stand and make this world/country a better place. Therefore, bully attacks don’t bother me.

I am taking a stand against those who wish to abuse their new found power on social media to incite hatred, instead of doing something useful with their time.

Many of their comments are in equally bad taste or worse than Alan Jones’ original comments about Prime Minister Gillard.

Moreover, the ads I’m running are for a non-profit cause

My objective is to give every Australian one of my recent book releases “101 Ways to Improve Australia”.

For those who don’t like or listen to Alan Jones 2 GB radio show, can download a free copy at http://www.improveaustralia.com.au

After what’s happened with cyber bullies last week, I may just add a 102nd way to improve Australia:

“An urgent change to defamation laws to reduce and hold accountable internet trolls and cyber bullies defaming, encouraging and inciting verbal attacks with the intention to harm businesses for no valid reason”.

The new found social media power that helps inflate some people’s ego will be short lived once it’s discovered that they actually have very little influence on the minds of those who really matter.

Freedom of speech is a rightful virtue and I believe in self-empowerment and freedom of expression.

On the other hand, I also support social media accountability and responsibility -something cyber bullies need to learn.

They should understand that abusing power will ultimately lead to them being withheld of it.

After all, there are two kinds of people in this world:

1) Those who earn their power and influence by earning respect and contributing to society.

2) And people who will never be powerful or influential from their own merit but will build an agenda to steal the power they cannot independently attain.

Alan Jones, despite his recent misworded comments has earned an influential power and still has a lot of followers who like him and aren’t as judgemental as those who can’t forgive a mistake.

Labor Party is behind a lot of the cyber bullying and I find that appalling but not surprising because it is also in poor taste especially since it’s well-known that they don’t like Alan Jones highlighting there gross incompetence.

Those who like to steal power from the influential through empty cyber threats are usually the ones who never earn money for themselves but focus on taking it from others.

Generally they aren’t entrepreneurial or responsible but believe someone else should fund their very existence thus believing in entitlement for no effort.

As one leading American said some time ago:

“Australia is a lucky country unfortunately run by fools”

As much as I would like to despise such an American quote, unfortunately there is some truth to it.

If we keep giving power to the fools, they will be in power forever.

Let’s hope Australians aren’t fooled by the real agendas behind those attacking Alan Jones.

The argument has segued from the topic of Alan Jones’ misworded comments. The debate is now about giving cyber bullies too much attention and power when they add so little to society.

If Australia succumbs to politically motivated cyber bullying, we allow our power to be stolen by those with dangerous agendas who can only attain their power by theft and not by results or respect.

That is not the vision Mark Zuckerberg had for Facebook or Social Media and if the above discussed trolling is encouraged, the world will miss out on the potential that social media has to make this world and country a better place.

Jamie McIntyre is the founder of the 21st Century Group of companies and CEO of 21st Century Education. He is also bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, investor, sought after success coach, internationally renowned speaker and world-leading educator. www.jamiemcintyre.com

Jamie McIntyre is the founder of the 21st Century Group of companies and CEO of 21st Century Education. He is also bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, investor, sought after success coach, internationally renowned speaker and world-leading educator. http://www.jamiemcintyre.com

Author Bio: Jamie McIntyre is the founder of the 21st Century Group of companies and CEO of 21st Century Education. He is also bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, investor, sought after success coach, internationally renowned speaker and world-leading educator. www.jamiemcintyre.com

Category: Advice
Keywords: alan jones,cyber bullies,internet trolls,Jamie McIntyre,julia gillard,mark zuckerberg,mercedes,2gb

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