Etiquette in the Workplace: How Not to Drive Your Coworkers Insane

There you are, deep in thought. You’re up against a tight deadline and every second counts. Lunch? Who needs lunch? You’ve got work to do! And then… it happens. “Slurrrrrrrrp!” You pause for a brief moment, trying to regain your focus on the task at hand. “Slurrrrrrrp!” That’s it; your concentration is lost and all you’re able to focus on are the annoying sounds around you. The coworker to your left is to blame for the slurping while the one on the right is tapping her foot to the music blaring from her iPod. And across from you? That coworker is partaking in some seriously unhygienic behavior. Nail-clipping at his desk? Gross!

If you’ve ever encountered a similar situation then you know how excruciating it can be to work alongside individuals with annoying (maybe even disgusting) habits. But how can you be sure that your behaviors aren’t equally as offensive? Time to evaluate your behaviors!

Do You Groom at Your Desk?

Your coworker with the nail clippers probably isn’t the only employee in your office who grooms at his desk. You may not even realize it, but some of your seemingly innocuous grooming behaviors may be offensive or distracting to those around you. Believe it or not, but some individuals may think that brushing your hair or applying lipstick at your desk is a definite no-no. Your safest bet is to take care of all grooming behavior in the privacy of a bathroom stall.

Are You a Germ Factory?

There was the sick day that you took so you could go on a shopping excursion. And then there was the “flu” that kept you in bed for as many days as it took to complete the “Fifty Shades of Grey” trilogy. You’re certainly not the only employee who has ever misused a sick day, but what happens when you’re legitimately sick? Chances are, you may have no choice but to suck it up, prop yourself in front of your computer, and pray you make it through the work day. As miserable as you may feel, how do you suppose your coworkers feel? Your constant sniffing, sneezing, and nose-blowing is probably a huge distraction. Be courteous of those around you and save the sick days for times when you’re actually sick.

Are You a Chatty Kathy?

It’s understandable that you may want to discuss your weekends on Monday mornings, especially if something particularly exciting happened. But do you ramble on and on about celebrity gossip, the recipe you tried last night, the movie you saw, the article you read, etc.? You may not necessarily need to worry about whether your chattiness is annoying the other individual(s) involved in the conversation, especially if they’re sending verbal and nonverbal cues that indicate they’re interested. However, you may be disrupting the coworkers in neighboring cubicles. If you find yourself involved in a conversation that extends past the five-minute mark, it’s probably best for you to take your talk elsewhere.

Do You Eat Smelly Foods?

Most of your coworkers probably don’t mind if you enjoy a neutral-smelling turkey sandwich at your desk. Most probably won’t even mind if you eat something with a strong smell as long as it’s a pleasant one (like an orange, for instance). But Indian food? Tuna salad? Broccoli? Just say no. These foods should always be relegated to the break room.

Hopefully you’ve realized that you don’t partake in any of these horrifically annoying behaviors. If you do, however, it’s never too late to change. Your coworkers are sure to forgive you for your past digressions if you agree to never again floss your teeth at your desk after eating salmon and broccoli stir-fry.

Taylor Thomas is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Thomas is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to office etiquette.

Taylor Thomas is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Thomas is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to office etiquette.

Author Bio: Taylor Thomas is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Thomas is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to office etiquette.

Category: Business

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