Houston Outrageous Nightlife Stories You Made Up

Sometimes the truth of what really happened on a weekend night can be pretty boring. In fact, I would have to say most of the time it is pretty ordinary and not very exciting. On occasion, you just need to spice things up a bit to make it seem like you did the most interesting thing in the world last night, something that would be the king of all Houston entertainment events. There are a couple of things you want to keep in mind when you are making up an outrageous story you want people to believe.

You have to remember not to make the story too outrageous so that no one will believe you. You have to add just enough outrageous behavior and antics so that people will be surprised but still believe that it could actually happen. Don’t include things like zombies, space aliens or you taking on an entire street gang by yourself. No one is going to buy any of that as real.

What you want to do is “accidentally” put yourself into a situation and then let it play itself out. One of my favorite stories I made up follows this pattern exactly. The great thing is everyone believes it to be true (however, they won’t after they read this article).

Here is how my story goes: I was getting ready to leave a bar one night. It was pretty late and there was hardly anyone around at the time. I stepped out onto the street and just as I started walking down the street, this big white limo pulls down the street and drives through this big puddle, soaking me as it goes by. I just stood there in disbelief.

The limo stops halfway down the block as I am walking towards the bus stop. The driver gets out and apologizes to me, saying how sorry he is. I tell him it’s okay, it was just an accident, however I am drenched. I keep walking towards where the limo is as it is right near the bus stop.

The back window of the limo then rolls down and ____ (fill in name of famous actress, singer or whoever here) peeks out and asks if I am okay. I tell her it’s fine and then she insists I get into the back of the limo with her and they will drive me home. Who am I to say no? I then tell everyone of the nice ride home I got, how she gave me something to drink, brought me home and gave me a nice kiss goodnight to make up for my troubles.

See, there’s nothing too outrageous in that story and it all seems possible. I didn’t say anything about going club hopping or sitting in on a recording session or anything that would be impossible to prove. This story makes it look like I can take part in future great Houston entertainment events because of my “brush with greatness.” Just don’t copy my story when you tell yours and you’ll be okay.

Do you have an outrageous tale to tell about Houston entertainment events? Let’s see what you can come up with over at our nightlife site.

Do you have an outrageous tale to tell about http://nightlifechat.com/houston/ Houston entertainment events? Let’s see what you can come up with over at our http://nightlifechat.com/houston/ nightlife site.

Author Bio: Do you have an outrageous tale to tell about Houston entertainment events? Let’s see what you can come up with over at our nightlife site.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: Houston entertainment events

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