Houston Prime Nightlife Before the Zombie Apocalypse

You know it’s coming. It could happen any day now. You see television shows, movies, video games, books – it’s everywhere you look today. You can’t stop it so you may as well try to make the best of the bad situation. When it comes to seeking out some Houston nightlife interactivity, find the prime places to go before we get hit by the inevitable of the zombie apocalypse.

It seems with each day there is more and more talk about what will happen when zombies take over the planet. Nearly every video game that comes out now show you the real weapons you will need to fight them off, but before you have to bunker down someplace with the rest of the uninfected, go out and have a good time.

My feeling is if zombies are going to take over the planet, I may as well make sure my last night before it happens is the best one I can think of. Hopefully I can find a bar or club where the bartender hasn’t been turned into a zombie yet so I can be sure I get a good drink from him ( I guess if he is making me a Zombie, it doesn’t really matter, har har). I want to have the best drinks ever on that last night.

They better be playing good music at this spot as well. None of this top forty, teeny bopper stuff that you hear all over the place nowadays. I want some good old school stuff to sing and dance along to before I get my brains eaten and can’t remember what good music sounds like.

I guess it will be important to have a good meal too, so I’ll want to make sure to hit one of the finest nightlife restaurants in the area as well. I don’t need to have super fancy food before I go. I would settle for some good barbecue or a good steak and I would be happy. Anything is going to taste better than eating raw human flesh, right?

Since it’s the last night before the zombies settle in, would it be too much to ask to have a pretty girl with me for the whole time? I mean, my luck has been bad enough over the years; I could really use a break here before I go. She doesn’t need to be a model or anything (although that would be nice), as long as she is going to try and eat my brains when we are cuddling, I think I can accept just about anyone.

It never hurts to plan ahead. Check out all of the Houston nightlife interactivity and see where the best places to be will be for you and your pals before it all happens. Try not to get too bad of a hangover either; we are going to need you in fighting condition to take on those brain-eaters.

What Houston nightlife interactivity do you want before the zombies come to town? Point out the best spots at our nightlife site. Don’t worry, zombies don’t know how to use the computer, they won’t know.

What http://nightlifechat.com/houston/ Houston nightlife interactivity do you want before the zombies come to town? Point out the best spots at our http://nightlifechat.com/houston/ nightlife site. Don’t worry, zombies don’t know how to use the computer, they won’t know.

Author Bio: What Houston nightlife interactivity do you want before the zombies come to town? Point out the best spots at our nightlife site. Don’t worry, zombies don’t know how to use the computer, they won’t know.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: Houston nightlife interactivity, nightlife site

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