Houston Top 5 Nightclub Flaming Cocktails

Normally, I am pretty much strictly a beer drinker. I have found, through trial and error, that when I start mixing different types of drinks together on a night out that it just gets me into trouble one way or another. However, there are occasions where my buddies and I get a little crazy and decide to do a shot of something. Through some Houston nightclub advertising, we have been able to find places that will give you shots that they light on fire. Here\’s a quick list of my top five flaming cocktails.

1. Flaming Dr. Pepper – This is one of the classic drinks that I can honestly say I regret trying. It is a mix of Amaretto and 151 rum in a shot glass that is then dropped into a beer. The shot is lit on fire, dropped into the beer mug and then you drink it. It really does taste like Dr. Pepper, but more than one of these will do bad, bad things to you.

2. Bailey\’s Comet – This is one I just recently tried. It is a cocktail that is Bailey\’s Irish Cream, butterscotch schnapps and Goldschlager all shaken together with ice and poured into a glass. You then layer 151 rum on top of that, light it on fire and then sprinkle some cinnamon on top. The cinnamon and Goldschlager make sparkles with the flame like you were watching a comet. One word to the wise here – don\’t let it get too hot. The Bailey\’s will start to curdle and you will be left with a glass of sludge.

3. Flaming Sambuca – This is a simple shot that I have not had very often, but it packs quite a kick to it. This one is simply a shot of Sambuca and three coffee beans. You light the Sambuca on fire and let it burn for about ten seconds. You then cover the glass with your hand to extinguish the flame, inhale the air and smoke under your hand and then drink the shot. It\’s pretty intense.

4. Pumpkin Pie – This is one our bartender got us to try around Thanksgiving. It is a layered shot with Kahlua, Bailey\’s and tequila. You light the tequila and then sprinkle the drink with some cinnamon. You drink the shot down right after this. I was a little skeptical of this one at first, but it really does taste like pumpkin pie.

5. Flaming Mouthwash – Okay, I don\’t really recommend this one to anyone. You have to have a strong stomach and maybe not be in the right frame of mind to try it, which we were at the time. It is Green Cr

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