Houston Top 5 Nightclub Methods to Avoid a Hangover

I have been out and about on the bar and club scene for a number of years now and I have learned a thing or two about what is good to do and what is good to avoid. I have also earned more than my share of horrific hangovers over time and now do all I can to try and avoid them happening at all when I can. Everyone hears of all types of remedies and methods to avoid getting a hangover. When you are going out for the night life in Houston, here are a few ways that you may want to try to help you avoid getting that hangover.

Naturally, the only surefire way to avoid getting a hangover at all is to not drink alcohol for the night. Other than that, there are no guarantees. However, there are a few things you can try that will help you immensely when it comes to avoiding a hangover, including a couple of ways to approach your drinking.

One thing you will always hear people tell you is that you need to make sure you have had enough to eat before you start drinking. The food you eat will help the alcohol to get absorbed into your system better so you don\’t end up with the hangover. However, you may want to watch what you eat. Greasy, fatty foods mixed with alcohol will likely have you hanging over the toilet at some point during the night.

Keeping yourself hydrated is a key to avoiding a hangover. Drink lots of water before you even go out and start drinking. You may even want to mix a glass of water in between some of your drinks along the way just to make sure. The alcohol you drink is going to dehydrate you, so the more hydration you have in your system ahead of time, the better off you are.

You may want to switch back and forth between alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic just so you can last longer into the night. There are many \”virgin\’ versions of cocktails today that you can have that look just like regular cocktails and no one will be the wiser. Odds are your friends may be drunk by this point already anyway and they won\’t even notice what you are drinking.

Finally, have some items prepared at home already to fight off a hangover before you go to bed. Make sure you drink a big glass of water for bed and maybe even throw in some vitamin B to help you take the edge off. Do not take any aspirin or aspirin-like products as they can cause liver damage when combined with alcohol.

While I may not be able to prevent you from getting a hangover during your night life in Houston, hopefully these tips can give you some guidance to make things better. Learn from my experiences and don\’t make the same mistakes I have made. You will feel so much better knowing your friends are waking up and can barely open their eyes without crying in pain.

Do you have any methods to avoid a hangover after night life in Houston? Please, please, we beg you to share them with us at our nightlife site. Spare us the agony!

Do you have any methods to avoid a hangover after http://nightlifechat.com/houston/ night life in Houston? Please, please, we beg you to share them with us at our http://nightlifechat.com/houston/ nightlife site. Spare us the agony!

Author Bio: Do you have any methods to avoid a hangover after night life in Houston? Please, please, we beg you to share them with us at our nightlife site. Spare us the agony!

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: night life in houston, nightlife site

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