How Cherries Can Help With Gout

Did you know that there is a strong correlation between cherries and gout? Actually, your diet can determine your chances of having gout. What you eat increases your chances of developing gout by about 12%. Along with your diet, your vices can also contribute to this condition. Some types of food such as seafood, meat, and fructose loaded drinks can also lead to gout. Foods heavy with salt filled can also be a major contributor for this condition. Along with sedentary lifestyle, the added uric acid in the body caused by diet then moves through the bloodstream causing all sorts of pain in the body.

Alcohol and Its Gout Effects

Alcohol can actually contribute to the production of uric acid. As you might already know by now, uric acid crystallizes in the body. The crystals then travel through the blood stream and in turn it actually enters muscles and tendons. This is when the patient starts experiencing pain due to the increased pressure in the tissues. Alcohol can also decrease the performance of the renal system, which then leads to poor excretion. This leaves much of the acids in the body to crystallize. That is why it is important to stop consuming alcohol in order to reduce the chances of having this condition.

Connection with Other Medical Conditions

Along with sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet, other medical problems can lead to gout. Conditions such as abdominal obesity, diabetes, increased lipid levels, and hypertension can actually increase uric levels. With these conditions, other complications can happen including renal failure, psoriasis, toxic poisoning, and anemia. In order to fight off the adverse effects of this condition, heavy levels of diuretics are given along with other medications such as aspirin and niacin.

Gout Prevention Diet

There are several dietary patterns that can prevent the increase of uric acid levels. Cherries and gout have been studied carefully. The reason why cherries are effective is that they are loaded with anthocyanins, which are antioxidant agents. Most red fruits and vegetables have this type of antioxidant yet cherries have the most. Anthocyanins stabilize the radical molecules which are responsible for the inflammation and tissue damage brought about by gout.

Aside from eating cherries and gout friendly foods, other foods that do not contain any purine are recommended to be included in a person’s diet. Purine increases the uric levels inside the body and that is why they should strictly be avoided. Some of the foods which should be avoided are liver, kidneys, sweetbreads, and other organ based meats. Seafoods such as shellfish should also be avoided. The additive fructose can also contribute to uric acid in the body and increase the risk of gout.

Change Your lifestyle

Lifestyle change is still the most effective way of combating gout. Curbing excessive alcohol consumption and slimming down to a healthy weight are just two of the things that you can do to release excess uric acids from the muscle as well as to flush out the salts from the body. Reducing calorie intake and following a strict aerobic program is recommended.

If like Gavin you suffer from Gout, be sure to check out his website at Cherry for Gout and learn more about the link between cherries and gout

If like Gavin you suffer from Gout, be sure to check out his website at and learn more about the link between cherries and gout

Author Bio: If like Gavin you suffer from Gout, be sure to check out his website at Cherry for Gout and learn more about the link between cherries and gout

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: cherry for gout, gout, cherries and gout

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