How to Prevent Leg Cramps

Leg cramps can be very painful and can occur in the most inopportune moments-during swimming or running, or even while sleeping at night. Leg cramps are basically the involuntary muscle contractions, usually in the calf area, and often result in immobility and extreme pain. A good majority of all the people in the world experience leg cramps at some point of their lives, especially as we grow older.

There are many causes of leg cramps. The most common causes are injuries around the affected area, muscle strain, overexertion of the leg muscles, and staying in a single position for a long time. However, insufficient levels of potassium in the body and the lack of fluids (dehydration) can be causes of leg cramps as well.

If you have had a leg cramp in your life, then you will know how painful it could be. While it fades away after a certain amount of time, it\’s not something that you would wish to happen to you again-especially if you experience severe leg cramps during potentially life-threatening situations, such as swimming in the sea. So how do you prevent the occurrence of leg cramps?

Preventing leg cramps does not involve inconvenient rituals-prevention is relatively easy and does not require much work on the patient\’s part. You can easily prevent the occurrence of painful leg cramps through stretching your limbs frequently, keeping your body hydrated by taking plenty of fluids, staying active, getting massages in the problem areas, avoiding activities that can put too much strain on your legs, eating right (including bananas and other foods high in potassium), and taking medication for extreme cases.

There are also conditions and problems that can lead to the occurrence of leg cramps. Muscle stiffness typically occurs right before a leg cramp starts, but this condition can be treated by massaging the affected area or stretching properly. Poor blood circulation can also be a cause of leg cramps. When you are sitting or standing in the same position for long periods of time, your blood circulation might not function as well as when you are walking around or trying new positions.

Dehydration is one of the main causes of leg cramps. Surprisingly, it is also the one that you could avoid the easiest. Just remember to drink plenty of water every day, especially when the weather is warm. If you are an athlete or have high-performance activities throughout the day, make sure that you drink more than the usual eight glasses per day to keep your body properly hydrated.

A poor diet can also lead to the frequent occurrence of leg cramps. If you are not consuming enough sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and carbohydrates, then you are at serious risk of experiencing painful leg cramps. These minerals can be easily found in a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and fruit items such as milk, yogurt, whole grains, mushrooms, and nuts.

However, there are instances that leg cramps are a symptom of a more serious disease, such as a neurological disorder. If you have made sure that you are hydrated, eating properly, and exercising moderately, then you might want to consult with a doctor if you are still experiencing leg cramps. The doctor might recommend you to a physical therapist or some medication to help alleviate the symptoms of leg cramps.

Seomul Evans is SEO services consultant and content writer for American Leg Cramp Society. Visit the site to know more about Leg Cramps at Night and Nocturnal Leg Cramps.

Seomul Evans is SEO services consultant for :

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is SEO services consultant and content writer for American Leg Cramp Society. Visit the site to know more about Leg Cramps at Night and Nocturnal Leg Cramps.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Leg Cramps, Society, American, Pregnancy, Leg Cramp Causes

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